error download QuickGPSFix

Go backto post #17 in this thread from Birdman and click on the links he's provided. Save each file to the ephemeris folder.
ephem folder or ephemeris folder?

Actually, I did try that, nothing happened.

Are those not for the other chipset?


The ?ephem? folder is on your TT in the root. The ?ephemeris? folder is on your computer where you determined to have your downloads in the Home options.

On my computer, I have WinRar as the program to open .cab file extentions and allows me to specify where I want to extract the files within the .cab archive. WinRar can be downloaded from here:
Thanks Gilbert. I did all that, but still no luck. When I check on my device, it does show the ephem folder and the file inside it now.

Just to verify, I am opening my device on the puter (F drive in this case) and when it opens, I am creating a folder with all the rest of them.

I did a soft reset on the device following the extracting, but no change.

Must I also create that ephemeris folder on my computer somewhere as well?

I really do appreciate everyones help and hope you stay patient with me....

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Thanks Gilbert. I did all that, but still no luck. When I check on my device, it does show the ephem folder and the file inside it now.

I did a soft reset on the device following the extracting, but no change.

Must I also create that ephemeris folder on my computer somewhere as well?

I really do appreciate everyones help and hope you stay patient with me....


You don't need the ephemeris folder on your PC....this is where HOME places the GPSFix files that it downloads before it install it on your TomTom. If the folder doesn't exist, when Home detects an update it needed, it will automatically create that folder on your PC and place the updated files in it.

We are having trouble getting HOME to recognize that you are missing (or have backdated) GPSFix data.

Does anyone else on this board have a Rider 2??? If so, perhaps they could provide the files that are in the /ephem folder on their TomTom Rider 2.

If you don't have any more luck with the suggestions on this board, I suggest you again call TomTom support on the phone and have them work with you ..... their support is actually quite good.
I have spoken to them, and they said they will continue to "look into it".

I have dealt with them a number of times, and yes, I agree that generally they are very good.

I think the fella I talked to the other day must have been fairly new, he didnt even mention about the .cab files, etc.


Hi Rcacs and all...

DId you finally get this sorted?
I have TTR2 and exactly the same experience than yours...
No way to have QuickGPS downloaed...

I had this problem for weeks and finally called TT Support. Very nice girl had me :
Rename \My Documents\TomTom\HOME\Download to My Documents\TomTom\HOME\Download_old.
Close TT Home
Restart TT Home
Update TT One

Latest QuickGPSfix was there ready for download.
Worked right away and ever since.
I had this problem for weeks and finally called TT Support. Very nice girl had me :
Rename \My Documents\TomTom\HOME\Download to My Documents\TomTom\HOME\Download_old.
Close TT Home
Restart TT Home
Update TT One

Latest QuickGPSfix was there ready for download.
Worked right away and ever since.

Just as an FYI to all, I hadn't seen a QuickGPSfix since updating my map a few weeks ago.

I also renamed the download file and am now getting a QuickGPSfix for download as well..
Hi Jeff,

Yes, that link is very useful. I've read it before and shared it with some family members.

Sorry, but I don't use a cell phone to update GPSfix's. But I often update directly without using HOME. Don't see how this would help you with a blued tooth cell phone, but there are links for direct download. Depends on what version chipset you have on your TomTom on what file you need...

If it's "lto.dat" you need, you can get it here:

If it's "" file you need, get it here:

Just copy the one file to your ephem directory. The date will be messed up, but just ignore that.


This method totally rocks - I've deleted TT Home because of all the headaches with the upgrades.

Now, I just download and drop in the \ephem folder


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I had this problem for weeks and finally called TT Support. Very nice girl had me :
Rename \My Documents\TomTom\HOME\Download to My Documents\TomTom\HOME\Download_old.
Close TT Home
Restart TT Home
Update TT One

Latest QuickGPSfix was there ready for download.
Worked right away and ever since.

Perfect! I had the same problem (unable to update the QuickGPSFix), I did the above and it solved the problem.

i renamed folder and no luck

Tomtom HOME has an easier way to fix this now. Go to "Manage my Device", and remove all quickgpsfix versions from both the device and the computer.

Then go to "Update my Device" and quickgpsfix should be offered.

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