Driving Lane Warning

Sep 10, 2010
Glasgow, UK
TomTom Model(s)
XL IQ Routes Europe Edition 2
I have a TT XL2 IQ Routes Europe and live in UK. Once I have set a route and click on Details I get a Driving Lane Warning reminding me to drive on the left. 95% Of my driving is in UK. Is there any way I can change this to read "Drive on the right" when I venture into Europe? Not a major problem - just a niggle. Thanks
I'm not sure how the option got incorrectly set, but it's an easy one to fix (so long as we can find the right menu!).

I don't have an XL2 so I can't say exactly where it will be, but In the Change preferences menus, go to "Safety preferences"

There should be several pages of options, so skip through them by tapping "Next" or "Done" until you get to this one:

Thanks Andy-P but I've delved into all the menus I can find and can't find an option to change or omit this Lane Warning feature. It must be well hidden or not listed under an obvious heading.
The XL2 is one of the models that originally had a very cut-down menu structure, but I thought that had been resolved or at least improved.

I could understand if it didn't have the "Drive on left or right" warning feature at all, but if it *is* warning you, then you would think there must be a set-up for it somewhere!

Unfortunately I don't have an example of that model to play with, I downloaded the reference guide (from here), and I must admit I can't find any mention of the feature in it either (but TT manuals are notorious for not telling you everything!)

I suppose you could try a "Return to Factory Settings" (but you'll lose things you've saved like Favourites and Home location).

Otherwise, off the top of my head, maybe it's being clever and using one of the other settings to automatically choose the warning. I assume you've got a home location set in the UK and that you've got the language set to UK English?

It's a good question this one... I'll be interested to find out the eventual answer!
Another thought....
Some of the web-links I've looked at suggest you've got speed camera warnings on that model (I didn't think you did...)
The setting you want isn't hidden in with the options for those is it?
Unit is set for home UK location and in UK English. Speed camera warnings are available but the only choice is either on or off. It may be that the menu for driving on left / right side of road only becomes available in certain situations but as yet i haven't managed to find it. A factory reset would probably work but I'm not sure it's worth the effort resetting all my personal details. Thanks.
On my XXL540 I found it in "Safety preferences", on the Safety preferences screen click "Done", on the warning sounds screen click "Done" and it's the next page; "Driving on the left or right".

Don't know if it's the same on yours, though.
Thanks for input Spider362 but my unit does not have a Safety Preferences menu - The search goes on!

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