Downloadable new maps available

Lob Jobba, I would call support immediately to tell them of your purchase of a map through HOME but are not able to download them due to the error message you are getting.

The problem with buying maps through HOME is what you arleady mentioned, that it doesn't show the version number of the map. I must admit, I haven't gone through the entire process of purchasing a map but the steps I followed never showed me the version number.

I believe the latest version of North America map is 6.75. Check the version you have, and make sure when you call that you know what version you are purchasing to be sure you aren't buying something you already have.
I was able to successfully download the map via "Download your updates" in TomTom Home.

However, I am quite disillusioned that there really is no way to go to the website and check to see what the latest version of their maps is. I only learned that it was 6.75 from reading here. All the searches I did on got me nowhere. The only link I could find was, where you can put in your product code, which in my case was 6.65, then it comes back and tells me 6.65 is the latest version. Doing a search for "tomtom maps '6.75'" on google led me to, where is does list the version number next to all of the maps. However, I could only find this link through Google. This page doesn't come up in any search anywhere on Additionally, I couldn't find this link without specifically searching for "6.75".

To me this is really atrocious... one of the main reasons you'd go to a GPS manufacturer's web site is to check to see if you have the latest maps, and they've made it basically impossible to do that using their own site and software.

Before I purchased this unit, the promotional materials I saw led me to believe that you simply connect the unit to your PC, load up the software, and it auto updated everything. That was one of the main selling points, which certainly did not turn out to be as expected.

I did use the "My Questions" part of their web site and asked them what procedure they recommend for users to check to see if they have the latest maps. So far, no reply.

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