Does your Go920 brings you in front of the entered address ?

"I would suggest that before complaining about this or that being off go take a look at the map data company’s website or a site like Map Quest or Google Maps and look up an address and see where it takes you."

I'm not sure what your point is GarCor? I'm sure the source of the data will also be incorrect. My compaint is valid and it is with TT because TT chose to utilize a source for their data that has provided incredibly erroneous map information for my area. It seems a little silly thinking that I should track down their sub-contractors and complain to them?

My 920 has been off more than 2/10 of a mile on 80 out of my last 100 destinations. In some cases it was off by more than 1 mile. The worst case was 5 miles. Yesterday it told me to turn on the wrong road, then turn on a road that didn't exist, then turn on a road that was a dead end (this was all during the same trip). Whoever their source was for the map in my 910 from 3 years ago had incredibly accurate data.

My other complaint about TT has been the fact that they tell me I'm the ONLY one that has ever told them about this. I know for a fact (from this forum) that this isn't the case.

Today I went out and bought a Garmin for $200 so I can run them side by side. Hopefully, between the two of them, I'll be close to the situation I was in when I only had the 910 with an accurate map.

Maybe TT will fix the map in my area in the future (or excuse me, their source for the data will fix the data then sell it to TT) and I will have two good GPS devices. Of course, I haven't played with the Garmin, so maybe it's just as bad.
Maybe TT will fix the map in my area in the future (or excuse me, their source for the data will fix the data then sell it to TT) and I will have two good GPS devices. Of course, I haven't played with the Garmin, so maybe it's just as bad.

Let us know how it goes with the Nuvi200 in this regard. How does it compare in your area?
So far it has been interesting and quite disappointing. Judging purely on the quality of the map - since the features of the top of the line TT are far superior to the features of the bottom of the line Garmin (of course). The maps seem to be a bit different - but have similar issues. The Garmin was far better on a particular route where TT had me turning on two roads that didn't exist, but the Garmin was 1.2 miles off on a house number yesterday (I didn't have the TT at that particular time). On two occasions they were both off the exact same amount on the house number locations. On another they were both off, but the Garmin was just a bit less "off" (in this case it was significant however because the TT was so far off that it caused the wrong turn to find the house number - the Garmin had me turning the right direction, but still was off about 3/10 of a mile).

The Garmin is much better at telling you what side of the street your destination is. It is said audibly twice before the arrival.

I'm glad I have both - but, I can't understand why identifying the house number locations is so much worse (in both) than I had just a few months ago when I had my 910 with the older map.

Again, for the record, I live near Louisville KY, USA. Hopefully, other parts of the country are not an issue.
Hi everyone !

I hope the new 930 are more accurate than my GO920T. I doubt it would be that much different, but let's hope.

I wonder if the new firmware will be available quickly after the release of the 30's series ?

How do you know that you arrived ? By the voice or by the arrival flag with the distance count down in the status bar ?
You should look at the count down distance until it hit 0, and the flag disappears. Even so it's not uncommon that it can be off by 50m or more. Addresses are geocoded in blocks, not invidually for every houses.
This subject has been discussed several times.
People switch from GPS to GPS expecting them to be perfect. They won't find perfection in any of them, GPS are only helpers - we still have to use our eyes, ears and brains.

I used to listen: you have arrived, but it is not waorking all the time, it is not easy to see, but beside the flag it show you what way of the street the adress is by a GREEN arrow. It usualy point exactly to it.
Nevertheless, is is quite accurate. But in some case of new houses, it mean new address too! So it might be wrong. That is why I have mapshare icon on the left hand of the map, I make a REPORT to TT at every house that is wrong. Would it do anything?

My XL-S never gave me a 1m way for the destination, hard to believe than a 920 supperior to my xl-s.
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I used to listen: you have arrived, but it is not waorking all the time, it is not easy to see, but beside the flag it show you what way of the street the adress is by a GREEN arrow. It usualy point exactly to it.
Nevertheless, is is quite accurate. But in some case of new houses, it mean new address too! So it might be wrong. That is why I have mapshare icon on the left hand of the map, I make a REPORT to TT at every house that is wrong. Would it do anything?

My XL-S never gave me a 1m way for the destination, hard to believe than a 920 supperior to my xl-s.

Feejo !


I do that to, but find my self stop along side the road more than I drive. But anyhow, all these adjustments that we do true mapShare for either TeleAtlas or Tomtom, will take for ever to be showed on our updates. So far I owned my Go920T since November, and never saw any of my reports being fixed.

It's like we work for theme for free... If I knew about we ad to put in some R&D for them, I would have expected at lease a bonus with my purchase for all the work. Because at the end, the GPS they sell us, are not working as they are supposed to, or as advertised.

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Tomtom as send me an older version of maps, V.6.75 to see if it will be more accurate on my Go920T.

I told them that my Go910 was absolutely accurate. So we are making a test here to see if the older map is better than the V.7.15 that I have right now.

Let us know how it goes with the Nuvi200 in this regard. How does it compare in your area?

Here is a bit more information as far as comparing the two.

I just took a 12 hour road trip to visit my parents in Pennsylvania. I took both GPS's with me. The Garmin found a better route - it appeared obvious to me that the TT didn't have the correct speed limits in its database. One of the possible routes is slightly shorter, but it takes me through OH that has 65 mph as a Max. speed. The Garmin took me through West Virginia and Maryland instead - they have 70 mph as the max. speed. It was only a few miles longer - but much faster because of the speed limits. The issue with the speed limit data has often made TT incorrect in its predicted time of arrival.

When I got closer to my parents house - the Garmin wanted to take me to the wrong location - off by several miles (same road and house number, but in the wrong county - this has been a problem for my parents since before GPS systems were invented). So, both of them were wrong during the trip, but in different ways.

Definitely - not a clear winner between the two.

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