Hi all,
Clearly a topic that causes some friction, but I have to say I don't become too concerned about repetitive reminders to stay off an unwanted exit ramp - perhaps it has something to do with age, being retired and rarely being in a hurry. In fact I tend to regard it as a security comment that the thing is still active (My Nokia with OVI maps is ominously silent most of the time
) I tend to keep track of the "distance to exit/next change of road name" readout and when within a couple of km start getting into the appropriate lane for the off (exit) ramp. This avoids the hastle of trying to traverse a number of lanes in a short distance - difficult in heavy traffic. Then it is a matter of keeping a weather eye on both the ALG data and the road signs.
But there is a situation that I would like improved and it is when there is a single lane off ramp that opens into two or more lanes. Sometimes this is because each lane goes to a different destination or the turn ahead takes the two or more lanes of traffic onto a multi-lane road.
In the first case knowing which of the two or more lanes to get into before the off ramp opens into multiple lanes would be good. ALG tries to do this but often you are already in a lane when the information appears and of course in heavy traffic you end up going to where you do not wish to be. An instruction to "take the off ramp and choose the xxx lane yyy metres ahead" before you enter the off ramp would fix this problem.
In the second case the lane required depends on the change of track following the turn - and how close it is - After you have made the turn if your next turn in (say) 500 metres is to the right then you need to be in the right hand lane as you make the turn, and viceversa. Of course if your next track change is in 2 km or more then it is not so critical.
However, the real benefit to me of the navigator is in its ability to recalculate a route when you have made a turn error. I quite quickly learned that the unit would get me back on track, perhaps with a slight delay, in due course and this left me free to worry about the traffic around me rather than a mad scrabble to try to get back on track before becomming hopelessly lost.
Having Thomas (Yep, it got "christened"
) do "his" thing has made the car a much nicer place to be, especially when I am in acountry where I am driving on the "other" side of the road.