Discussion on the newly released map 835

Anybody know if there's much changes between this new map and V720.1803 as far as Canada is concerned? I've read that the lane guidance is nonexistent around Toronto so, I'd think that around Ottawa and Montreal, it would be close to the same thing...

TomTom is saying they don't plan in making money with maps but, I paid my 720 $210, brand new so, paying CAN$86 for a map is almost 40% of the unit's cost!

And I still consider the map subscription to be useless as I have no need for a new map every 3 months. Why would I pay CAN$124 per year for 4 maps when 1 map per year is cheaper and fills more than my needs? And I'm on the road quite a lot, driving about 30,000km per year. I never got stuck in a situation where a newer map would have made my life so easier I regretted not updating.

If TomTom would really be interested in the Average Joe, they'd offer a 2 years 2 map subscription for let's say a minimum rebate of 2/3 the regular map price so, a minimum of 33% rebate over 2 years and, don't lock the update contract to the unit originally purchased! If my TT dies one week after I get the subscription, if I buy another TT, I want to be able to transfer that subscription. With that process, TomTom would steer customers to stay with TomTom instead of thinking to go elsewhere each time a unit dies. With that and a yearly payment instead of a lump sum, I'd be ready to give them a 5 years contract!

As of now, even at CAN$86 per map once a year, I find it too expensive for what I get so I'll likely wait another 6-12 month or even till the unit dies, meaning I won't upgrade at all... Now TomTom won't make a cent with maps on this scenario.
Got the map...still wrong.

That is an odd pricing scheme for Canada.

In the US, the subscription price is a fraction of the single map price, so I look at it as getting a discount on the next year's map for paying in advance, and the interim quarterly updates are a free bonus.

BTW, I got impatient for the LMG to work, so I called support again. They told me to scan in my receipt, and they just added the 835 map to my account for me, so that was nice.

I just got it installed, and I'm a bit disappointed to see that the several errors I've found in the two weeks I've owed the device are still there in the new map.

The construction going on for the past two years in my area is still absent, it still has several addresses in the wrong place, including my home, and it still routes me to the middle of a freeway overpass for an address that is supposedly right below it (but which also happens to be in the wrong place...two problems with that location.)

I'll have to find someone with a Garmin to tell me if their maps and routes are any better.
(Though as the TT was nearly half the price of a Nuvi with similar feature, I'm not too upset yet.)

While there isn't any Advanced Lane guidance for Canadian roads as of 830 or the new 835, there IS IQ2 routing as of map 815 wherein the time of day as well as just the day of week is considered when the unit plans the 'fastest' route for you and takes into consideration real world historical driving data, not just the speed associated with the road type the route takes you on. As a consequence, the route selected will be more precise and the ETA much more accurate.

And that is a **significant** improvement over the V7 maps.

There have been road improvements made in Canadian road maps from V7 to V835 as well.

But, it's always for the individual to choose.............

The pricing for the subscription series seems somewhat high that you mentioned. Yes, as of yesterday, it would cost you more to buy up to the latest (710 to 835) but the 4 maps over the next year are $48 US.

We in Canada are forced to pay an additional 20% VAT as the pay server for us is in Holland but the map suscriptions are a better deal than just buying 1 map.

Your choice.
Does TomTom list the changes to the map updates to include in detail what's changed from the previous one. I guess something like a change log or something along those lines.

No they will not produce a list of whats different, at best some forum users might post where they have noticed a difference, but unless its a major new road junction most alterations don't get noticed, lets face it how many roads get altered in a major way within 90 days? - Mike
Well I'd mostly be interested in finding out if a particular road was now there. I purchased a new home which is being built. Not sure how long it would take for TomTom to actually update it and put the roads there. So I wouldn't really purchase an upgraded map if I new that road wasn't there.
I guess after every update I could ask on a user forum if someone else could check for me :)
Unfortunately, that is the only way to check.......but members are very good at providing feedback to posters who give specif info for users to check out.
I noticed what appears to be some new lane guidance in the lower left at an intersection that i had never seen before.
Lane guidance is vastly improved in Boston. In map 830, most interstate highway lane guidance was added. Now, in 835, I'm seeing lane guidance at quite a few confusing city intersections. At this point, I'd say lane guidance improved from 50% of where I wanted it in map 830, to 75% of where I want it in map 835.

Unfortunately, the IQroutes 10mph bug has not been fixed.

Also, with HOME 2.7, map upgrades now retain favorites, and retain most mapshare edits. This includes personal names I gave to roads (eg: Daughter's school), so it's definitely retaining my own updates. 90% of my mapshare updates carried over, so I'm assuming that the remaining 10% are where there were road geography changes (roads moving a few feet).

They seemed to add many parking lots and small sideroads in this map. So they must really be using all the anonymous driving history to add these roads. However, all the major "road addition" requests that I added in mapshare haven't been implemented.

Other than the need to rename a favorite to prevent crashing, the update was a good one for me.
Major routing errors fixed

The 835 map has fixed some major routing errors in the Western US, which gave trip times over 2 hours and a 100 miles longer than the correct one, and where reversing the start/destination gave an entirely (but still incorrect and too long) different route.

It's added two roundabouts locally I've been reporting for ~2 years. It still has McDermitt, NV, 6 miles from the real location (as does Google - TeleAtlas problem?).

The map colors seem a little different; at least, I seem to like the appearance better. Or am I imagining things?
Today I was going to a lawnmower shop and entered a physcial address since it wasn't in POI. It brought me perfectly to the front of the store. Not sure how it was in 830, but it was spot on in 835.
Map 835 just added a major interstate reroute in downtown providence. It opened December 2008, and this 9 month timeframe from road creation to map addition is the fastest I've seen so far.
I guess now I'm confused. I thought TomTom had already dealt with the problem of maps being too large for the 140/340's, but they've done the same again with this release? Doesn't make sense. On top of that, Home 2.7 needs to be used or plus services don't work? Or is that not the problem. Take a couple days off and map issues are all over the boards.:eek: So what exactly is the scoop? I one of the Brit forums a Moderator surmises this map update will be pulled come first of the week. Surely TomTom learned a lesson from the last map release.
I, too, have not seen so many issues with map updates as I have with the 835 release for the various models. And it does indeed appear as if the 340 model was sent (again) a map too large for the unit. I **strongly** suspect that this map was NOT beta tested prior to release...
I've installed map 835 yesterday and my favorites and Recent destination history stayed this time round. The map corrections that I made was a roundabout that needed to be added and some kinda of street that has been turned into a trail. The roundabout was added, but the street wasn't removed yet. Hopefully in the next map update.
I, too, have not seen so many issues with map updates as I have with the 835 release for the various models. And it does indeed appear as if the 340 model was sent (again) a map too large for the unit. I **strongly** suspect that this map was NOT beta tested prior to release...

I KNOW THAT TOMTOM HATES ME CONCERNING BETA TESTING. I personally sent tom tom at least 20 email over the last 2 years concerning lack of beta testing and how other companies use their beta testers to make things work BEFORE their user use their programs. Tom Tom hate me if you want, but my opinion of your Beta testing program is horrible and all your testers including the person or persons in charge should be fired.
Hey all, haven't been here in a while once again but will be here more often again. Just plugged in my 720 and saw that a new map is available for download :) Currently downloading new map. Hope I don't get any problems during the upgrade like some members here have. I've NEVER once had an issue with any NavCore or Map updates/upgrades. Will post back with results. I have an Intel Quad CPU and for whatever reason, TomTom Home is using 75% of my CPU (fully using 3 cores) just for the map download process and not the install. Weird! My PC has NEVER once been choked up until now. This is on a PC running an Intel Quad @ 3.8 GHz with 16GB of RAM and a 64-bit OS!!! I'm also using a 30 Megabit fiber optic internet connection using Verizon FiOS. It's making my mouse cursor and windows run all laggy. Any sounds my PC makes are skipping badly.

I cannot believe how much TomTom Home 2.7 is choking up my PC! Even typing up this post is difficult due to the lag. Did anyone else experience this?
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doctormstein1, I suspect for something as maps released every 3 months, there is no such things as beta testing. What you se is what what churned-out at first run wouldn't surprise me.
Hi Sage.......!!

The software developers did a dumb thing with 2.7 in that it seeks out previously downloaded files, such as quickfix files, etc., the more, the lag in operation for some....TT is aware of it (2.6 did not function this way) and presumably a new Home app will appear shortly.........

People are all over the map (no pun intended) in their experiences with the new 835 map download and install:
  1. The 340 owners again find themselves being provided a map too large for their units, just as they experienced with the 830 map
  2. Some people find the unit rebooting upon installation of the new map and a fix for that is to open Home, go to Manage favourites, add one or delete one or edit one and then disconnect the unit properly from the computer
  3. Some find their previous settings in the mapsettings.cfg DID carry over to the new map and found no problems at all with the install

Just so you know...............
Hiya dhn :) Unfortunately the map install did not go smoothly. It says I need 124.7 GB of free space in order to install the new map. What the heck? :( Gonna retry the download. Now to wait again! :(

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