Custom home screen

Aug 19, 2011
I have just purchased a new XL. My old one had my favourite destinations on the first screen making planning easy peasy. Does anyone know how to change the default choices to reflect what I want to see and not what TomTom thinks I want to see?
What was your old model?
I don't recall ANY of my TomToms offering Favourites on the first screen I saw. Maybe it was a US only thing, where are you from?
Looks like you are in the UK per your IP.

In the UK, the favorite destination feature is only available on the VIA and GO models released fall 2008 through 2012, and on the 6" START. It is not available on the XL series.

I know nothing about the 2013 GO series, as it has a redesigned UI that hasn't been sold in the USA.
Ah! Not "Favourites" but "Favourite destinations" Subtly different!

If you've seen it before, then I think it must have been on a "NAV3" model, where it is accessed from the "Start up" Settings menu.
It offers you the choice of various customisable locations such as Home, Work Headquarters, School etc.
Those can be the same as your Favourites, but don't have to be.

There's nothing comparable on any of the "NAV2" models (such as the XL) as far as I know.... in the UK anyway....
. Can you remember exactly what model you think you saw it on?
Yes, my 740 offers a different screen for startup. If I had mine in front of me, I'd try to find the configuration option that allows for this. Can't recall it because I've never used it except to test it. I've always done Drive to + Favorites when I needed that kind of function. I use the other buttons on the first screen too frequently to sacrifice them!
930, Preferences 6 of 8, Start-up preferences, "When device is switched on:"
( ) Continue where I left off
( ) Ask for a destination
( ) show the Main Menu
( ) Start TomTom Jukebox
( ) Start Slideshow
_______________[ Done ]

Depressing Done
Do you wish to change the start-up image?
_________[ current image shown ]_________
____[ NO ]_________________[ YES ]____

Screen Preferences 8 of 8 also has the option
Show fewer menu options

I understood that an XL has fewer options than the GO devices.
Strange... I don't think I would have wrote the above unless I had checked both an XL and a GO.

I'll have another look t my 940 when I get home.
Strange... I don't think I would have wrote the above unless I had checked both an XL and a GO.
If that refers to your post # 4 you're on your own.
If it refers to my post # 7, that was in reply to canderson's post and I wrapped the visible info on that screen in quotes to make it clearer to the OP.

I thought I had read in the past that an XL has a reduced set of options but it is also possible to have selected Show fewer menu options.
OK, my bad... it IS an option on the x40 and x50 GO models, but that's all irrelevant to the OP.

It's definitely not there on my XL LIVE IQ.

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