Complete Disaster! GO720 possibly GOne..

Everything is on the sdHC fast-6 card .. all else now works OK..just lost my dear Kate.

BINGO!!! that must be the prob... 'wrong' version of Kate. (But why the heck does TT Home not download the correct version automatically?)

Did not see an offer for the 6.9 version.. I'll look again .. is there another way to obtain 6.9 other than with GO 720 connected?

Many thanks.
Bugger!!! It's v 693 that I have on sdHC card and on PC not a newer v 7 -- so why doesn't it work?

Oh TomTom you really should go up in smoke signals.... your sloppy attention to detail makes for frustration!!

all suggestions gratefully received...

Just downloaded Simon computer voice 47MB...

'Manage Device' shows that both Kate and Simon are on the memory card ..

but when I 'Operate my Device' and go to 'Change Voice' neither of those show???
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but when I 'Operate my Device' and go to 'Change Voice' neither of those show???

Neither voice will show on "Operate my GO". The emulator won't play TTS, we assume that Tomtom didn't pay Loquendo for a desktop computer license.

They should play on your device.

Try this - delete the LoquendoTTS folder, then use winrar to:
- extract the app file from here onto your SDHC (ovewriting when prompted)
- extract Kate 6.9 from here onto your LoquendoTTS folder on the SDHC (overwriting when prompted)
Thanks for that mvl.... as a final effort and before I read your post I did the following and now have a result.

Via Windows Explorer I saw that although I had originally cleared Internal Memory and put everything onto the sdHC card there were/are several new folders and files put on the Internal memeory by TT Home. There was/is a Loquendo file so I copied the Kate and Simon Computer Voice files into Loquendo on Internal Memory... now when I start TT (not via TT Home) and go to Change Preferences the Voices show.. I can select Kate and, when out on the road, Kate now talks to me again (also Simon I suspect).

Well that was quite a game to get all working again........ have I spoken too soon? 'all working again'... watch this space.

Thanks to all who have helped.
Once again TomTom smokes.................
just connected, updates ran OK.. took more than 1 hour to download/intsall new Europe map v860*** (on memory card).
Now getting Error message on screen when calculating any new route.
At the moment I'm running Restore from a backup so hopefully I will be able to negotiate the streets of London later today.

oh dear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to put it mildly... after restore it still show error when calculating route ...... bugger***

will work on it later tonight......................
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strawberries to pig............... pigging TomTom.................. now I'll feed it to the pigs.

watch this space.... going to have another go........

phew!! it only took 4 hours this time to get my beloved Kate talking to me again.

I think the auto update of the latest full West Europe map caused the problem. No doubt that was my fault, letting it update to the new map.

Once again I feel happy with my TomTom (fickle fellow that I am).

BUT BUT BUT - it's really a pity that TomTom does not do a better job of maintaining and controlling updates for the 'older' models so that we can continue to use TomTon Home and autoupdates without getting stuffed.

Fingers crossed that I'll not need to post more rants here.

Thanks to MikeAlder and MVI (sitting quietly and observing) as it was your ealier advices that I revisted to solve that latest problem.
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Glad you got it working

I was offline on a cruise for a week, otherwise I would have attempted to help :)

Whenever you install a new map, I recommend always adding a favorite in Operate My GO, and now (based on a new issue) I recommend always navigating to a location in Operate my GO also.

Both steps are often needed to keep the apps stable after a map update.

It's a shame - if any other brand had reasonably close routing, this instability would have caused me to abandon TT years ago.

At least app 10.x platform seems more stable. Seems like they'd rather delay adding capabilities vs adding buggy capabilities. I like that approach - lesser of two evils in my opinion.
Hello sailor!

Good to see you back safe on the old terracotta....
must admit I did feel all at sea for a while after that update mess.

With hindsight I probably let it happen by not blocking that map update. Perhaps it was a map too far for the Go720.

Like you, despie my ranting when TomTom goes wrong, I do admit to loving my TomTom when it's functioning correctly. It's easy to operate, and Kate is mostly clear and precise with instructions.

Keep dry.
TomTom screws up again

Glad you got it working

I was offline on a cruise for a week, otherwise I would have attempted to help :)

Whenever you install a new map, I recommend always adding a favorite in Operate My GO, and now (based on a new issue) I recommend always navigating to a location in Operate my GO also.

Both steps are often needed to keep the apps stable after a map update.

It's a shame - if any other brand had reasonably close routing, this instability would have caused me to abandon TT years ago.

At least app 10.x platform seems more stable. Seems like they'd rather delay adding capabilities vs adding buggy capabilities. I like that approach - lesser of two evils in my opinion.

Hello Again!!!

All has been running well with my 720GO until I ran a TomTom Home update on 6 December... new map plus other bits...

Now I'm just back from a 1000km trip thru France, Belgium, Holland and Germany AND I FOUND THAT SAFETY CAMERAS NO LONGER WORKED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what a crock of suet!!

Having googled, I find that there have been several problems with updates during 2011.

Do you have experience of these and how to overcome them?

ALSO ... how to get TomTom to pay for any speeding taickets that may now come thru the mail?

Best regards from the UK.
Now I'm just back from a 1000km trip thru France, Belgium, Holland and Germany AND I FOUND THAT SAFETY CAMERAS NO LONGER WORKED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In order for us to work out what might be wrong, can you supply some more information.....
Did you EVER install the European camera data or just the data for the UK?
Do you have the correct files on the unit now?
There will be a whole load of .ov2 files with names like "Blitzer_AT_TomTom.ov2", "Autovelox_IT_TomTom.ov2" and "Radar_ES_TomTom.ov2" for the standard camera data or "Safety_Cam_ES_Premium.ov2", "Safety_Cam_IE_Premium.ov2" etc. for the premium ones.

If the correct data is on the unit, have you got the camera warnings ENABLED in the menus?

ALSO ... how to get TomTom to pay for any speeding taickets that may now come thru the mail?
I somehow think you're still entirely responsible for any speeding you do! :lol:

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