Compatibility with Tyre program

Tyre can be used to create *.ov2 (TomTom POI) files, and both the older and newer TomTom PNDs allow for loading of custom *.ov2 files. There was a time when that facility wasn't working on the newest units, but they completed the user interface to enable that feature early last year.

Tyre cannot directly interface with a newer TomTom device to accomplish this -- you need to save the POI file to disk and use the MyTomTom user interface to load them to these units.
Works awesome with Rider 2

I just used to it convert 8 days worth of riding from garmin files to itn files for TomTom was slick & took minutes instead of hours. Then download all the HD dealerships in North America, converted the POI image to Harley's bar & shield & transferred them to GPS.

Was very slick - I like it. I shelled out the 24 pounds for the premium version.
The newer models do NOT accept *.itn (itinerary) files. Moreover, an *.itn file for the older units was limited to 48 points. Are you sure you don't mean *.ov2 (POI) files?
The newer models do NOT accept *.itn (itinerary) files. Moreover, an *.itn file for the older units was limited to 48 points. Are you sure you don't mean *.ov2 (POI) files?

Hi, thanks everyone for their help.

Yeah, I do mean *.ov2 files, I use them for my delivery addresses, very handy.

I've since found out that the MyTomTom webpage enables you to upload ov2 files to your device which is excellent, because the Tyre program didn't recognise the TomTom Start 20 that I bought and it also didn't appear as a removable device in Windows explorer so I thought it would be impossible to copy ov2 files to it.

A drawback to the MyTomTom webpage is that it doesn't have a backup feature which is a shame. Are they working on it?
??? On the same page of MyTomTom where you add POI files to your unit, you should also be able to retrieve any on your unit and store to your PC. Aren't you seeing a tag for that? Or are you talking about a "full" backup of your unit? You won't find that there, and I doubt it will ever be possible. It's one of the drawbacks to the newer architecture.

Post #2 described the difference between loading POI in the old days vs. how it's done now. Yes, it's the fact that these new units don't look like external storage devices that caused me to note that "Tyre cannot directly interface with a newer TomTom device to accomplish this -- you need to save the POI file to disk and use the MyTomTom user interface to load them to these units."
I'm sorry, maybe I'm wrong about the backup feature because I haven't checked it myself, I read it in a forum somewhere and I thought it was a recent comment but I must be mistaken.

Is the backup feature with MyTomTom exactly the same as the one with Home? Or is the one with Home a full backup?

I backup regularly because I update regualarly
The "Backup/Restore" Home did was (when it worked) a "full" backup.

As I said about these new units that use MyTomTom ... "Or are you talking about a "full" backup of your unit? You won't find that there, and I doubt it will ever be possible. It's one of the drawbacks to the newer architecture."
My unit's an XL2 which I can use with Home, so I guess I'm getting full backups then. I've never had any problem backing up or restoring, although I haven't restored many times.

It's a shame they're moving away from Home then. Are there any benefits to MyTomTom?
Understand the XL2, but your first post made it sound as though perhaps were looking to upgrade, and wondered what models could handle Tyre. As for backups of your XL2, we still recommend using this procedure (safer) than using Home - once in a while, restores seem to fail from Home:

No real benefit to the user of the MyTomTom interface at all. Most of us much prefer the old open architecture. For many things, we didn't need Home at all since we had direct access to the file system. For example, why use Home to fool with *.ov2 files when you can just copy them back and forth from your map folder?
In case it's still not clear, you can't use Home OR MyTomTom

Older models like the XL2 or Go950 use Home, and always will.

Newer models like the Go1000/2000 series use MyTomTom, and always will.


Backups made in Home are supposedly of the entire device, and probably works OK now, but Home has a long history of sometimes making only partial backups or ones that subsequently refuse to restore onto the device. That's why we always advise backing those models up using Windows Explorer or Mac Finder instead.


The only items you can "back up" with MyTomTom are the POIs, recorded voices, car cursors, splashscreens and warning sounds.

That's useful for POIs as you MAY have added some locations to them on the device itself, and also because your Favourites are now saved as a standard POI file.
But as for the rest, because you added yourself from your PC, you probably have them backed up elsewhere anyway!

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