Cannot download safety cameras. help.

Aug 13, 2009
TomTom Model(s)
Go 720
Hello guys,

seems that after the last home update( i cant get the traffic cameras to download on my go 720. a few things ive done is a restore then updated my gps, reset by button, renamed the safety camera folder, reinstalled home, removed the cameras from my device in home then tried to add again but i keep getting the same error below:

ERROR: -500/# Error from server: Internal Server Error
Internal Server Error
Error code: HTTP 500
Additional information: info = [object]
info.method = [string] GET
info.resumeOffset = [number] 0
info.resumeDownloadEnabled = [boolean] false
info.entityID = [string]
info.file = [string] C:\Users\Bill\Documents\TomTom\HOME\Download\complete\safetycamera\Safety_Cameras_-_USA__CAN_-_Free_of_Charge\
info.metaFile = [string] C:\Users\Bill\Documents\TomTom\HOME\Download\temp\ec04d4342365a885fa13c2ad1610fddc.tmp.meta
info.tempFile = [string] C:\Users\Bill\Documents\TomTom\HOME\Download\temp\ec04d4342365a885fa13c2ad1610fddc.tmp

Severity: 1105
0. chrome://tthome/content/logic/netutil.js:97
return new ServerError(responseStatusText, -responseStatusCode, aChannel.URI.spec, undefined, additionalInfo);
1. chrome://tthome/content/logic/downloader.js:363
exception = NetUtil.isRequestSuccess(this._channel, aStatus, this._getRequestInfo());

Time: Thu, 01 Mar 2012 12:17:04 GMT

I have also disabled my firewall/av software which hasnt cause any issues all along. This has been going on since early yesterday. I was hoping a day later if it really was a server issue it would be fixed by now but no such luck. Any help appreciated.

Have you gotten the latest application for your 720 (9.401)? If so, that issue should be resolved.
Have you gotten the latest application for your 720 (9.401)? If so, that issue should be resolved.

I downloaded the latest Home software off the tom tom site, installed it and it then did an update as well which im pretty sure is 2844 and i didnt see any others that it prompted me for. Im at work but my gps is in my car. i assume there is no way to tell on the gps itself, correct?
Not the Home application I'm talking about but the application for the tomtom unit itself.

If you tap the right side of the status bar on the unit, the next screen should show the version number of the application installed. What does that say?
Not the Home application I'm talking about but the application for the tomtom unit itself.

If you tap the right side of the status bar on the unit, the next screen should show the version number of the application installed. What does that say?

Went to get it from my car and sadly, yes i have version 9.401 on the unit.
Strange. Renaming the safety_camera folder would not help the situation, I don't think.

If you go here:
c:\documents and settings\yourname\my documents\TomTom\Home\Downloads\Complete\Safety_cameras\

do you see any sub folders in there?

(I don't know why the forum software is putting a blank between the 'a' and the 'm' in 'cameras'. Not meant to be)
Strange. Renaming the safety_camera folder would not help the situation, I don't think.

If you go here:
c:\documents and settings\yourname\my documents\TomTom\Home\Downloads\Complete\Safety_Cameras\

do you see any sub folders in there?

Im at work so i dont have access to my home computer but ill take a run home for lunch and get back to you.
You can dump all but the latest (by date) and try again.

so dump all but the 86 folder? For what it's worth yesterday i actually deleted everything in this folder, tried to install the safety cameras and it failed the same way. So then i basically put all these folders back in their original location. But hell, I'm up for whatever so I will try your suggestion thanks.
I was going to suggest you dump everything ESPECIALLY the '86' folder (as the latest one would be most likely to be the corrupted one). But it looks like you've tried that already.

If you haven't tried deleting all those sub-folders AND all the safety cam files from the map folder on the device, try that.
You can dump all but the latest (by date) and try again.

Yup, just tried that now and left only the one folder and yet again it complains about the internet server having an internal error and to try again later, blah blah blah. How frustrating. I emailed tech support the other day and havent heard back yet. :rant:
I wonder whether a firewall or anti-virus software is blocking proper transmission of the file.
i have disabled both and i never had to before unfortunately. I guess i could attempt to install the tom tom software on my macbook but wont the gps complain about being registered on another computer? or is it no problem as long as i use the same email address to log in.......
ok, im pretty convinced its something with their server(with my account?), or possibly something corrupt on my actual device which might be more likey. I have a spare windows xp box that i have never had the tom tom software on. Well i installed "home" right off the site and tried to grab the safety cameras and got the same error. Not sure whats involved with formatting/restoring the device since i have only ever had to do a pin reset with the button. I dont even know if that will make a difference. How frustrating this has been.
ok, on the latest: ugh.

Uninstalled the Software and deleted all folders left behind. I then backed up all the files/folders on the gps and fully formatted the unit. Put all the files back, reinstalled the tom tom hom software and voila, error is still there. :mad:
I had a similar problem with the gas info a while back, and found it necessary to remove all record of gas prices from the device itself before I could do a fresh download from Home without a similar error. In your case, you might want to remove all of the following files (and files ONLY! NOT folders) from your 720:


Then go back and remove the entire safeteycamera folder (find below) again from your device

C:\My Documents\TomTom\HOME\Download\complete\safetycamera

and try it all again.
I had a similar problem with the gas info a while back, and found it necessary to remove all record of gas prices from the device itself before I could do a fresh download from Home without a similar error. In your case, you might want to remove all of the following files (and files ONLY! NOT folders) from your 720:


Then go back and remove the entire safeteycamera folder (find below) again from your device

C:\My Documents\TomTom\HOME\Download\complete\safetycamera

and try it all again.

ok, next in the list of things now ive tried is this as well. Now i longer have those files on my gps and cant get them back. doesnt matter anyhow because i SHOULD be able to download them but no such luck. is there a way to format and restore the gps to stock? I mean, I already have the map.

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