Bluetooth: What Carrier's phones work and don't work: All models

I have Verizon service and an LG VX8700. My 920T connects to it for dialing numbers and actually working. It also says it's loaded the phone book, but doesn't actually load it. As well, it doesn't transfer text messages. Any suggestions as to getting it to work 100%?

EDIT: Well, I was trying to get to a menu I saw upon initializing everything. I went ahead and deleted the connection to the LG and was attempting to start over. Now, my 920 won't pair with my LG. Now I've lost atleast the feature of dialing home or inputting specific numbers.
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Moto Q and Verizon??

Moto Q via Sprint...Handsfree and adress book works.

Id love to figure a way for plus though, it seems there is a way with Verizon and the Q but not Sprint.

I have a TomTom 720 paired with a Moto Q (verizon service) but I can't get Traffic or weather because data connection fails. Do you know where I can find workable instructions to get TT plus working?
TT one and Alltel HTC PPC6800(have unlimited data pkg).....cant seem to get them together...any ideas?
they see each other but thats as far as i can get
Verizon - LG VX8300

I have tested my VX 8300 with both a GO 700 and a GO 720. Without any "hacking" both will permit handsfree calling (from the phone) and answering. Neither was able to down load the phonebook or anything else. However, I was able to dump a copy of my phonebook into a text file and with a little fiddling put it into a format ("name","number") that could then be loaded into the 700 and the 720 from the computer, and they can both place calls through the VX 8300.
Blackberry Pearl 8130 on Bell Mobility with Go720

TomTom tested,
GO 720
Wireless carrier
Bell Mobility
What data plan is being used if any.
4mb minimal plan, should work on a per-usage basis too
Phone manufacture and model number.
Blackberry Pearl 8130 Software version

Which features work

Phonebook transfer
SMS messaging
NO Seems to be a blocked feature on all Bell phones
Data transfer

Pairing Instruction:
1-On the BB: Go in bluetooth settings, select "Allow another device to find me".
2-Search for Phone on the Tomtom
3-when prompted use numeric Passkey "0000" on the BB
4-When asked to accept connection request to the Tomtom, first Check the box that says "don't ask again"
then select yes
5-after clicking 2 times on continue and one time on yes in the tomtom
Select "Other" as phone model
6-Select Other as Country
7-configure manually: YES
8-Access point name: Bell(or anything)
9-User name: Leave blank
10-Password: leave blank
11-DHCP adress: Automatic
12-DNS: Automatic
13-Dial: #777 (remove the *99#)
14-Connection script: Leave blank
15-Answer the last 2 questions as you wish.
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Verizon Phone

Tom Tom Go 920
Wirless Carrier: Verizon
No Data Plan
(older Nationwide Plan)
Lg Venus :d Think The Model Number Is 8800
Hands Free Only
Attempts Tranfers Of Phonebook/contacts .only A Handfull Of The Few Incomming And Outgoing Calls Stay In Memory And Are Accessable On Tt Screen. I Am Unable To Use Address/contact Book From Screen.(greyed Out)
Will Not Do Text Or Voice Messages On Tt.

No Hacks Used.
Blackberry Users -- You may be unable to make it work for wireless data no matter what TomTom does, since you may be running data through your employer's BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) (whether you know it or not), and if your BES admin has not set up the BES to allow this sort of data to pass through (which generally seems to be the case from what I'm reading) nothing you do with your TomTom (or that TomTom might try) will ever help you.

I've reached the point where I'm tempted to just go get a second (non-BlackBerry) cell phone -- One which I can confirm from TT's site that will be fully compatible with the data system -- and just use that for this purpose. I'm pretty sure I'll never get my employer's super paranoid IT staff to open up the BES to do anything interesting, so might as well take matters into my own hands.

(To be clear -- I get my BB 8700g, via T-Mo, to work absolutely fine for hands-free voice as well as phone book on my 920T. The problem I'm mentioning above has only to do with the wireless data system.)
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Working Data with T-MobileWeb ($5.99) plan

I have a Motrola v3i from t-mobile with the stock moto firmware.

Out of the box voice/and incoming text messages were working.

With the T-MobileWeb plan the only outbound connections allowed are 25, 110, 993, 995 and you can use the http proxy.

The tomtom wants to connect to The problem is that tomtoms do not support using a http proxy.

I rebuild the kernel with

Build the iptables userland tools and

I copied iptables, tproxy, ttn and

exec /bin/ttn
/mnt/sdcard/iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 81
/mnt/sdcard/tproxy -p -s 81 8080

After that I was able to use my normal settings.

And was able to test getting weather.
Verizon Samsung SCH-u740 doesn't work at all. The TomTom recognizes the phone's bluetooth and starts trying to probe its capabilities but always aborts 10% of the way through. I tried everything I could think of but finally gave up after many attempts...

i have successfully paired the Samsung SCH-u740 with the Tom Tom GO720.

version 7.221 North_America_2GB v715.1712 voice recog "feature" enabled.

prior to map update i was only able to get to 10% before a crash would occour.

all good now.

if you need any more info from device, ask here, and i will get it.
T-Mobile US and the MDA Vario

T-Mobile MDA Vario(HTC Wizard) with EDGE data. BT connection to this devise and can do everything but send/receive SMS messages. TomTomPlus works over the data. Hands-free phone. TT 920 reads address book from phone. Pretty slick over all.

Next I have to try to get the Go 920T working with my Sprint Mogul(6800).
GO 920T virgin mobile pay as you go with the wildcard phone

I got my virgin mobile pay as you go plan with the wildcard phone hooked up to my tomtom GO 920T

It successfully called using the hands free, phone book seemed to say it couldnt be downloaded when i try and so that dont work

I cannot do any data related stuff as i dont think i have a data service on my phone and not sure even if virgin mobile has such a thing, anyone know if they do or not pls let me know

havent tested text messages yet or receiving calls
AT&T Sony Ericsson W580i

Well, after much hand wringing and hair pulling, I think my 920 is talking with my W580i! Here's the info:
TomTom tested: GO 920
Wireless carrier: AT&T
What data plan is being used if any: MEDIA NET UNLIMITED
Phone manufacture and model number: Sony Ericsson W580i
Which features work:
Handsfree - Sometimes, when making a call originating from the phone (rather than 'dialing' using the TomTom), I don't hear anything until the other side answers. If I dial it using the TomTom, I hear the ringing on the other side.
Phonebook transfer - No trouble except that in my phone, everyone is listed Firstname Lastname...on the TomTom, it's Lastname Firstname. Not a big thing, just an annoyance.
SMS messaging: I can send SMS messages just fine with TomTom, and it does read received SMS messages to me using it's computer voice.
Data transfer: Works for weather so far, but see below for the 'trick' I had to use to get a connection.

One odd thing I had to do to actually get the connection working (at least it works for getting the weather, so I assume that it should work for any other data connection):
When the TomTom prompted for my Cellular Provider, I first tried AT&T (naturally), but the connection attempt only got to 60-65% before it failed.
I repeated the process, only selecting Cingular with mMode (what the AT&T used to be before AT&T took over Cingular <of course, Cingular took over AT&T years ago...but that's another story>). After selecting Cingular with mMode, my AT&T Sony Ericsson W580i connected!!!

Good luck with yours too.

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I have the following setup working:

920 map 7.10 and 7.15
Rogers Wireless (in Toronto)
Blackberry Pearl 8100
4 MB data plan

I had to fiddle with it a bit but I got them to work together
success with at&t razr v3 all voice - all data

TomTom tested,
GO 920
Wireless carrier
cingular (i refuse to acknowledge the backwards name change)
What data plan is being used if any.
just per-use charges,no actual plan yet
Phone manufacture and model number.
moto razrv3

Which features work

Phonebook transfer
SMS messaging
did not try
Data transfer
YES only tried weather

(i refuse to acknowledge the hated backwards at&t name change)... and that was the key!

920 would ask me what brand of cell service, and i never thought to tap on anything but at&t. it would always fail.

additionally, i never really noticed the down arrow that would have showed me the 'cingular' choices, so i never tried them until a helpful earlier post (thank you) made me go back and look again! i chose mmode
TT910 with Treo 650 & ATT

With apologies if this is already covered: I can't find it.

Can anyone help me connect my Treo 650 to my TT910?

I need idiot proof step by step instructions!

Thanks a lot
TT One ?

i have successfully paired the Samsung SCH-u740 with the Tom Tom GO720.

version 7.221 North_America_2GB v715.1712 voice recog "feature" enabled.

prior to map update i was only able to get to 10% before a crash would occour.

all good now.

if you need any more info from device, ask here, and i will get it.

Any idea what function could work with TT One?

I had pairing between the two units, but could notg get any funtionality.

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