Best way to clean screen?

I use a micro-fibre cloth myself and it seems to work ok.

Never spray any liquid directly on the screen.
I have held the (540) upside down, and sprayed a fine mist of Windex onto it... and then used a clean Terry Cloth to gently wipe off. (One direction; not circular). Have not had any problems.

Also - I have a plastic sheet protector over the screen, to help keep it clean. Using the one which came with the unit. But, have seen them for sale on the web.

Even Saran Wrap might work....

Also - I have a plastic sheet protector over the screen, to help keep it clean. Using the one which came with the unit. But, have seen them for sale on the web.

Even Saran Wrap might work....

Beware, screen protectors are often the cause of touchscreen problems.
As they age they can cause random screen taps and eventually act as if a section of the screen is being pressed constantly..

As for the cleaning.. usually I just use a lint-free cloth (I even still have the cloth that CAME WITH my Go 300!! :p)

Sometimes a quick squirt of window cleaner onto the cloth and then wipe that on the screen is needed.
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Isopropyl alcohol? Micro-fiber cloth? Something else? It's for a XXL 540TM.
My favorite solution is .. both! Seriously. But I'm using anhydrous isopropanol. The stuff you get at the store is usually 70%, so don't pour it onto the screen. Just dampen the cloth.

For my 720, I tend to use my fingernail to get into the edges of the bezel just a bit where crud can build up and cause weirdness (phantom key presses).

On my 740, I'm running a screen protector by Zagg and still do the same thing to get the greasy prints off.

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