Before I Ebay my TomTom

Well Chasester, many of us have done our best to explain deficiencies in the Tomtom. Some of them obviously could be improved by the company or by Teleatlas; others not so much. Despite what anyone says, it seems as if you have made up your mind. You don't like your Tomtom, plain and simple. Every post you've pretty much ever made on this board (not just this topic), has been critical of the Tomtom in various aspects. That is very much you're choice; some people will like a device, others will not. It comes down to you are an adult, no one is forcing you to keep your Tomtom. Sell it on ebay, and get something for it. Give a Magellan or Garmin a try if you want. Maybe you will like it better, maybe you will hate it just as much or more. If you have any other questions, and you have an open mind, many people here are more than happy to help you find the answers.

... as long as it involves placing the blame elsewhere than TT. If there was something good to write about the TT I would have. - I've yet to find anything.

TT chose the map company, TT chose the no left turn configuration. Either way TT controls the deficiencies in the product, I won't take an apologetic method to explaining away their extensive problems. You may love a GPS that - may - get you somewhat in the general area you wish to go to - (however not necessarily anywhere close to the fastest way) and you may love a Traffic integration that does not display traffic accurately. I chose to hold a navigation device to - I dont know - navigate.
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... as long as it involves placing the blame elsewhere than TT. If there was something good to write about the TT I would have. - I've yet to find anything.

TT chose the map company, TT chose the no left turn configuration. Either way TT controls the deficiencies in the product, I won't take an apologetic method to explaining away their extensive problems. You may love a GPS that - may - get you somewhat in the general area you wish to go to - (however not necessarily anywhere close to the fastest way) and you may love a Traffic integration that does not display traffic accurately. I chose to hold a navigation device to - I dont know - navigate.

I agree that TomTom is ultimately responsible for the (lack of) quality of the products. TomTom chose to use TeleAtlas maps. TomTom chose to use specific components or manufacturers in the manufacture of their devices. The chose to use Vodafone for their HD traffic service. In making these choices they become responsible for resultant product.

However, if a customer is unhappy with a TomTom product due to the quality of the TeleAtlas maps or Vodafone service (for example), there is really nothing that TomTom can do about it in the short term other than to offer the customer a refund. And they can only do that if the customer purchased the product directly from TomTom.

Whether a particular product satisfies you or not is dependent on many criteria. In the case of GPS devices, one of these criteria is your location, as map quality will inherently vary geographically.

Many people are very happy with their TomTom, but you are not. Many people are very happy with their Garmin, but I was not. In fact I would never buy another one (for myself).

On bahalf of others who might feel the same way you do, I thank you for expressing your opinion and providing your input. Perhaps in doing so you can help someone else avoid having the same experience.

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