App 9.054 released for GO x40

I just downloaded this and now I can send sms messages from the qwerty on the Tomtom through the phones.

Prior to this I was able to receive them only so something changed in the TT bluetooth stack to make this happen since its the same Razr phone.

Now when I tap on weather I don't get the endless loop message it goes right back to the main page.
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also, Americans can call goggle poi now. and the fuzzy search string logic built into all nc9 devices works too.
Ah, debounce? Where do we get these words from?

It is more of a hardware terminology.
For example when you press a key on your keyboard, if the computer 'thinks' that you have pressed it more than once - say multiple number of times - while in reality you have pressed it only once as far as you can tell, it means there is some keyboard bouncing effect. There are hardware solutions to this problem incorporated into every keyboard - these are called as 'debouncing' circuits. These days rather than hardware, software is often used to achieve the same effect - reduce the bouncing effect.

Now what I was talking about 'bouncing' effect in my earlier post, I was referring to the new Navcore 9 that is supposed to be for x40 series of GO devices. The old Navcore 8 seems to handle this 'bouncing' effect properly - but the new 9 version seems to have problems.

Hope that is clear enough.
Well the sending sms from the 740 was short lived. Now those options are blank and not supported.

I have no idea why they worked and now don't. The Razr is not supposed to be able to send but it worked.

Oh well.
Well the sending sms from the 740 was short lived. Now those options are blank and not supported.

I have no idea why they worked and now don't. The Razr is not supposed to be able to send but it worked.

Oh well.

Try deleting the phone on the Tomtom, pull/reinstert the battery on the razr, and repair. I've found that restores features sometimes. Which razr do you have? I've got a v3, v3xx, v8, and v9 in my desk (can you tell I love Moto flip phones?) I can test it out on my 740 to see if there's any difference.
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Downgrade Problem

I received a new warranty replacement and didn't realize there had been a software update during the transit period of the units. The new 9.054 won't log on to the traffic and the LIVE services section doesn't show that I have the weather subscription. Trying to access the weather it requests a subscription. TTS says call back in a week. Tried the downgrade to the 8.37 with soft and hard resets after the installation. The unit connects to the network, but will not connect to the server, even to allow user name and password input. Any suggestions?
I received a new warranty replacement and didn't realize there had been a software update during the transit period of the units. The new 9.054 won't log on to the traffic and the LIVE services section doesn't show that I have the weather subscription. Trying to access the weather it requests a subscription. TTS says call back in a week. Tried the downgrade to the 8.37 with soft and hard resets after the installation. The unit connects to the network, but will not connect to the server, even to allow user name and password input. Any suggestions?

I haven't seen any issues in the USA where app 9.054 was any better/worse for LIVE services than 8.371. Most Americans have the same problems on both apps (eg: it's a server issue).

Does it say "connected" on the network status screen? And what are the expiration dates on the LIVE services screen?
The unit connects to the network on both apps (8.371 & 9.054). The 8.371 will not connect to the server period and gives NO live services information or allow input of username/password, only " can't connect to server" error messages. The 9.054 connects to the server and accepts user name, password and counts down the days of the LIVE services until expiration, except for Weather. The Weather isn't shown. TTS says it comes up on their end along with the other services. The other LIVE service shown work on the 9.054. This was the same problem I had with the previous unit that was returned prior to the 9.054 upgrade was available. TTS said they could see that the old unit, the fourth one I have had, was showing errors on their end everytime in connected since May and that was why they had me send it back on warranty.
Thanks for your quick responses. My wife wants the unit in the trash can. I tell her that at least it's a good Bluetooth for the cellphone while driving (only hands-free in California).
I haven't seen any issues in the USA where app 9.054 was any better/worse for LIVE services than 8.371. Most Americans have the same problems on both apps (eg: it's a server issue).

Does it say "connected" on the network status screen? And what are the expiration dates on the LIVE services screen?
PS The last post in the "GO 740 no traffic after 8.50 map upgrade" thread by Shield, said to update Buddies. I did that and the Traffic started working, just like he said. Still no Weather shown in Live Services section of expirations and it still pops up with I need a subsription when I try to access it, but that's nothing, I can always just look out the window for the weather. The main reason I purchased the unit was the LIVE traffic feature. I've spent 40+ years driving Southern California for work and I have a fantastic map and IQ routes between my ears, but not having to try and follow the traffic conditions on the radio was huge.
I will update TTS on this and see what's up with the Weather...
I too was suffering with problems caused by 9.054 that didn't exist prior. Of course my TT740TM Live version came with a 9 series firmware that apparently wasn't being offered anyone -- but it worked fine, essentially. Then 9.054 struck "automatically", probably should have said no to the upgrade until all bugs worked out.

I was near to full reformat of system built in memory, since I have my maps on Micro SDHC card, but instead followed TT instructions for erasing 9.054 system on TT and computer, installing downgrade, AND then I did not take the automatic upgrade to 9.054. Shut down, soft reboot, and start again and then chose to update my system and install 9.054. Now all works well again.

Almost seems like TT needs to drop their automatic download and install and instead offer just the firmware system files for download (zip/rar file) to computer and then have installer program that scrubs the old firmware and installs new, using explorer or self installing program but not home.

One other interesting thing is that my shutdown screen has changed. Not only do I have the euro style No Thief emblem as before, albeit smaller, but now I also have a yellow triangle with warning exclamation point also included in the shutdown screen, prompting me to make sure I remove the TT from my vehicle.

Wonder when they'll decide to have your mother/spouse/nasty boss record a TTS message that screams at you as a final reminder :)
I haven't seen any issues in the USA where app 9.054 was any better/worse for LIVE services than 8.371. Most Americans have the same problems on both apps (eg: it's a server issue).


What you are saying there seems to indicate that the so called LIVE services are only Half-alive in most parts of the world.

  • In USA they have server side issues
  • In UK they have Navcore 9.x issue for x40 devices.
  • The cynic in me says that - "It is quite possible that in a few months Tom Tom would insist that every body use the new Navcore and so nobody can actually use Live services while they have already taken money for LIVE subscriptions for a year or so. So take the money and run...."
  • Even if you have valid subscription in one country, probably you can not take the Tom Tom to another country or region and expect the Live services to work. For example if I have a valid subscription in the UK, and take the Tom Tom on my holiday to say France, would the Live things work while in France? (I doubt it)
    Or may be it works EU wide but not EU + USA wide - just to tie in with the different maps, model numbers etc etc

All of these seem to indicate that LIVE services are just over hyped marketing gimmick to me.
To top it all for all these you have to pay a yearly subscription in addition to paying for latest maps on a yearly basis.

May be the people in the EU countries should have some equivalent of 'class action suit' that the USA folks can do against the company for selling a product which is not fit for advertised purpose.
One of the coolest new features on this app is the "favorite destinations" feature, which resembles magellan onetouch. Under startup preferences you can configure up to 5 favorite destinations, which can be routed to with only one tap upon poweron.

Ok, I'm in the US, updated my 740 to 9.054 a couple days ago and can not find this Favorite Destination feature. When I go into my startup preferences, all I get is two options:

"When the device is switch on:" and "Do you wish to change the start-up image". That's it. I've soft reset a few times.

I do agree the touch screen sensitvity is a little strange now as well.
Ok, I'm in the US, updated my 740 to 9.054 a couple days ago and can not find this Favorite Destination feature.

Menu -> Change Preferences -> next -> next -> next -> next
start-up preferences -> ask for a destination -> done -> "yes" to regular trips from a few destinations

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