Anyone know what this is all about?

I'm still not having any luck. Wrote Sat file with notepad just tried reversing lat,and long and nothing. This is what I get when I look in properties.
"level1.SAT" Any other thoughts. Heres my file.

If it's the Chicago area, then it should be -87.61189 and -87.60986.
If it's the Chicago area, then it should be -87.61189 and -87.60986.

Help!! this should be Mccormick Place, Chicago, IL. Maybe I am saving it as a txt. if so What am I doing wrong?


  • level1.jpg
    10.2 KB · Views: 267
  • level1.SAT.txt
    74 bytes · Views: 309
Yes it should be only .sat, when saving from notepad change the 'Save as type' to 'all files' and make sure to include the .sat as the file name extension.

I'm not sure how to work with drawings, I've only done images from Google maps.


    529 KB · Views: 331
Yes it should be only .sat, when saving from notepad change the 'Save as type' to 'all files' and make sure to include the .sat as the file name extension.

I'm not sure how to work with drawings, I've only done images from Google maps.
Thanks will work on this this weekend will let you know
Someone reported my Starbucks POI post to TomTom, I wonder why.

Might have been me: I got the error:

The archive file contains this file: The file should not be part of this archive: /Users/xxxx/Documents/TomTom/Home/Downloads/poi/Starbucks_-_TFF/

I'm new to TomTom and may have messed up somewhere in the download process.

I got the same error with another poi downloaded file...

Sorry if I caused a problem.
Last edited:
Might have been me: I got the error:

The archive file contains this file: The file should not be part of this archive: /Users/xxxx/Documents/TomTom/Home/Downloads/poi/Starbucks_-_TFF/

I'm new to TomTom and may have messed up somewhere in the download process.

I got the same error with another poi downloaded file...

Sorry if I caused a problem.

You have to unzip the file.....
Might have been me: I got the error:

The archive file contains this file: The file should not be part of this archive: /Users/xxxx/Documents/TomTom/Home/Downloads/poi/Starbucks_-_TFF/

I'm new to TomTom and may have messed up somewhere in the download process.

I got the same error with another poi downloaded file...

Sorry if I caused a problem.

Download it from here:
It is the same file.

Thanks, now I'll have to go look for a Starbucks to test ;-)

I got that error when I downloaded via TTHome (Mac). I probably had another Starbucks poi file already installed on my TTOne. That maybe why I got the error.

I got the same error with the Walmart poi file a little while ago (didn't report it this time ;-) but did delete it manually from my TTOne. I was then able to load it from TTHome.

Thanks, db

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