Another problem with My Routes

Jun 3, 2023
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
VIA 52
I have also noticed that the route I created on My Routes does not change if I mistakenly go off the planned route. Is there a way of changing a setting so that if I do go off route the route will adjust my planned route to take into account my mistake?
That's another issue with the track point style and how TomTom manages it. It will attempt to hold to the track no matter what. It really doesn't even know or attempt to discern a possible final destination. It just goes point by point by point and expects you to return to the track. Very rigid, kind of like my 2nd grade teacher. :confused: I find very few use models that benefit from this way of managing routes.

What's bad is that with only this style available, the routing engine has no ability to deal with traffic, closed roads, etc. I've argued endlessly about this with TT. The old *.itn style files they USED to support are very much like a *.gpx <rtept> file which would allow the routing engine to take you from one point to the next in the most sensible fashion, making sure each one was 'touched' along the way. Then there's the no longer supported *.ov2 style files they USED to support which served the same purpose as a *.gpx <wpt> style file.

Of all of them, I find the track <trkpt> style *.gpx file the least useful, and of course, that's what they seem to reduce things to when sending to the GPS.

Then again, we've been at this longer than 99% of current TT employees, but what do we know about use models? They've long since forgotten why they even used to have the features that they've since dropped from current models.

If you had an older TomTom, your use model indicates you would have used the *.itn style files for your TomTom routes.
You need to use the "Send Stops" in stead of "Sync route" on the web planner. You will find this in the edit route section.
You need to use the "Send Stops" in stead of "Sync route" on the web planner. You will find this in the edit route section.
I had assumed a track was desired by the OP. A lot of bike riders use that when organizing a route for a group. Then again, the OP may not be seeing that option.

Here's what the site produces when doing the 'obvious' (a track style *.gpx made up of a ton of 'trkpt' entries):



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