I just purchased a 920T off E-Bay, I thought i did do some pretty good research... it was a toss up between the Tomtom 920T or the addon Kenwood KNA-G510 for my Kenwood stereo system... But now looking over this forum I see alot of problems with the tomtom unit, this is my first ever Navigation unit , Just want to hear some really positive stuff, by the way this is my first post......
I've used them all... the TT920 has many very nice features... my favorite is cell-phone traffic called TOMTOM TRAFFIC. With this feature you can get traffic conditions and time of arrival assuming traffic from anywhere on the planet. You don't need to be near the Traffic broadcast signal.
However, TT still has some very basic things to fix that can make navigation nearly impossible if you are not sitting next to a computer when you try to set up your route.
Examples include, search for a street. You know the street address, and you are "pretty sure" you know the town. With TT920 you NEED TO KNOW THE TOWN. You can't key in the street and let the intelligence of the GPS show you the subset of valid towns. This is a huge limitation in practical use.
Second, in some geographies, street addresses do not take the form of simple numbers. They may include alpha and/or special characters. The TT920 ONLY allows entry of numbers. So if this is a problem for you, look elsewhere.
I found the latest maps upgrade for my area to be a very big improvement and I haven't had any routing problems since the maps were upgraded... even in places that were problematic before the upgrade.
Overall the 920 is a very nice unit, but if the address and street limitations affect you, then Garmin or Magellan are better choices. Any of the Garmins are super and look at the Maggi 3250 and 4250 as well. More POIs and better cost/benefit ratio.