Altitude Display - TripMaster Lite?

Just to show you the little flaws in the program:

As was mentioned, "Pieds" doesn't seem to work. So I put in "Feet" and it worked, except that the readout was "387 pieds" (in spite of the fact that the language is set to English).

I'm sticking with "Toutes".
Thanks. THe program works fine. I am going to try tripmaster and decide which one to use. Altitude is easier, doing just that one function but tripmaster may offer something interesting also.
All, I was having some problems with TripMaster -the altitude display would not flash, but was on all the time despite my playing with the timings; also the controls on the TripMaster screen were small and were difficult to adjust while driving. I am so very glad that you folks have solved the problem with Altitude because all I wanted was altitude reading. I have uninstalled TripMaster (it is a great program, but wasn't right for my simple needs), and have re-installed Altitude as suggested in a previous post and it works - feet and meters:D . Thanks guys. And since the display appears on screen briefly it does not totally block the screen area below it all the time.

One problem I had when using TripMaster was that when I set geodic correction ON (with the default setting of 48) I started getting altitude readings of negative one hundred odd feet while driving along a freeway:eek: . Now I know that the freeway is not below msl. When I set geodic correction to NO I started getting more sensible altitude readings. Anyway in the Altitude program the default geodic correction setting is NON and that is where I have left it.
Sounds like we all got it to work!

Maybe we can convince TomTom to make elevation an option like "eta, speed, time remaining, etc."

Until then, thanks to the guys who put out the 3rd party add ons!!!!
Maybe we can convince TomTom to make elevation an option like "eta, speed, time remaining, etc."

Trey, please contact TomTom and make that suggestion. I have, but I assume that as more users request a specific enhancement, it becomes more likely to be introduced.

I am glad things have worked our for you.

Users in SoCal: Are the altitude readings given by Altitude (or TripMaster when geodic correction is set to NO) close to being accurate?
Using Altitude a little more and I'm not sure how accurate it is. I left it on just staying in one place and it would give me different results all the time. I had the biggest difference of about 20-30 meters :confused:
Thats weired how it would give an accurate reading when moving...thanks though, will experiment with it more.

Dunno for sure. I just read it somewhere.

So.. Do we have a final version of this utility & instructions how to make it work? Thanks

Just use the link a couple of posts back and it should work.
Using Altitude a little more and I'm not sure how accurate it is. I left it on just staying in one place and it would give me different results all the time. I had the biggest difference of about 20-30 meters :confused:

MS Streets and Trips 2006 would tell me I was -400 feet when I was down near the coast...:eek:

I didn't appear to be under water at the time....

Not sure how accurate these different GPS units are in this regard.
Not sure how accurate these different GPS units are in this regard.

Sitting here in my house in Toronto, the unit is giving me an altitude of 122 metres. On Google Earth, it is 112 metres. I guess that's not too bad for accuracy.
Hey guys, just wanted to say this Utility is AWESOME! Works perfect. Just change a few settings & drop into your root folder. Perfect!
Ok now don't get mad at me and blacklist me from this forum for coming here with all these problems. The Altitude program seems to be 'sticking' too much. According to Google Earth my driveway is at 474 feet. Earlier today I parked my car in the driveway and started altitude and waited for several minutes - the altitude reading read 112 feet. I live on a hill (about 200 feet in elevation) and so I drove downhill and the altitude reading stayed at 112 feet. I reset the GO300 and then took the reading and it was 0 feet and stayed there as I drove around town. Even when I had 5 bars (up to 8 satellites) the altitude was stuck at 0 feet. Then suddenly it jumped to another reading (I think it was 144 feet) and remained there despite my going uphill and downhill. Any idea what might be happening? :confused:
Certainly sounds strange, Nyer. It's been much more regular for me.

By the way, do you have Tripmaster installed? Sitting in my house, I found that it gave the same readout as 'Altitude'. You could do a road test with them both running. I might try it tomorrow.

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