Adding more maps to Nav 6?

Sep 20, 2006
TomTom Model(s)
I own a TT 910 and enjoy using it in the US and occasionally in Europe. I also own a Treo phone, and am considering buying Navigator 6 to use on it (its easier to carry around, and I like having electronic maps in my hand).

If I purchase Nav 6 with the US maps, what are the (legal) options to adding European maps to it? Can I copy/use the maps from my 910 to an SD card? Must I purchase another set of maps?

Well, aside from any legal aspects, I don't think you'll be able to view the European files in Navigator 6 without registering the product number and getting a new registration number to use the maps in Nav 6. Of course, this means basically buying the European maps for Nav 6.

I don't believe TomTom current allows sharing of maps between two devices, even if those two devices are owned by the same person. I feel it, too, as I already own Nav 5 for my Palm and a TomTom Go 700. It just seems logical that I would be able to use the same maps on the two different devices, but I can't without buying two registrations.
I believe internetpilot is right. The activation codes for the maps are partially generated by the device they are on. If you want to use your maps on a different device, I think you'll need to buy a new set for that device. I don't think the licensing is per user, it's per device.

You could always verify that by coping your maps over and trying to activate... (cuz I think you'll need it)

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