I played around a bit with the support_asr.dat file. I changed the 1 to a 2. Nothing at all hapened. Still not working with EU maps, and still working with US maps
Someone confirmed to me that the Euro Go 720 has a '1' in the support_asr.dat fileInteresting,
I played around a bit with the support_asr.dat file. I changed the 1 to a 2. Nothing at all hapened. Still not working with EU maps, and still working with US maps
Does this apply to you?
If anyones Voice Recognition STOPS working, as opposed to not working from new....
MY Go720's voice recognition worked (as well as it ever does) for a few days (I bought it while on holiday) until I got home and started tinkering.
I never worked out exactly at what stage it stopped working, but I suspect that it was when I replaced the MapSettings.cfg with one from my Go300 (to get my favourites etc. on the new machine. This always used to work to transfer settings, but might mess up some of the new features.
Anyway, I had to EITHER do a "return to factory settings" OR do a restore of my "day one/untouched state" backup, at which point the speech recognition returned to life.
Someone confirmed to me that the Euro Go 720 has a '1' in the support_asr.dat file
Here is the final solution to my issue with voice input from TT Support
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Thank you for contacting TomTom Customer Support
If you have the GO920 in the US and want to use speech recognition in Europe, the required files can be downloaded from tomtom support
What to do with these files:
1. Extract the file to the desktop of the computer.
2. Connect the TomTom GO920.
3. From the GO920, copy the folders North_America and/or Western_and_Central_Europe to the computer to keep a backup. VERY IMPORTANT
If you need to make space on the SD card or internal memory, you may want to deactivate speech recognition for either the US map or the Europe map. To do so, go inside the folder called North_America or Western_and_Central_Europe on the GO920 and delete all files named cspeech... (speech recognition will no longer work for the selected map).
To make use of the speech recognition for any of the two maps, go to the computer desktop and search for the folder named ASR_Western_Europe or ASR_North_America.
4. Copy ALL the files from within that folder directly into the map folder on the GO920 (speech recognition will now be active for the chosen map).
My prefered solution to this was to put the Western_and_Central_European map folder on a 4GB SD card. Then I added the speach files to this directory. This way I have my North_American maps on my internal memory and Europe on my SD card. All speach files fits and I will never have to bather fiddling with these files again. And the best thing... IT WORKS.
So Infama, the solution you found on Amazon is now tested and confirmed.
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