920 Remote Battery Install

I just bought Tom Tom GO 920, only thing furstrating was to install the battries in the remote. Finally I figured it out that it is tricky but not hard once you know how to do it. Below are the instructions.

I used my car key to open the remote:

1. Push the silver push tab toward the arrow until the gap closes.
2. With the tab still pushed in, push the TAB down as you are trying to push through the remote cover and push the face off.
This will make the front face with button pop out and yu can install your battries.:)
They do seem to read the TT Fora.

Wonder why it didn't show a thumbnail in Preview.
Wounder if anyone but my own machine can see the JPG
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Getting reemote control open

Use a small flat bladed screwdriver to push the metal tab towards the arrow whilst pressing down to push the front off to install the battery.
Don?t feel bad I was on the point of cutting it open.
haha i bought a used one from my work and everything in the box looked brand spanking new... i mean the instructions weren't open and everything was untouched... until i noticed that there were markets on the silver tab of the remote. i guess the customer couldnt open the remote and retured it.. LOL
In case some don't want to click on the *jpg file Arno supplied, here is the image...thank you, Arno!

I honestly can't see why there is an entire 3 page thread dedicated to this, I looked at the remote and in less than 5 seconds had it apart just using my hands. I didn't use anything to pry on the tab with other than my finger, and no I don't have long finger nails.
I honestly can't see why there is an entire 3 page thread dedicated to this, I looked at the remote and in less than 5 seconds had it apart just using my hands. I didn't use anything to pry on the tab with other than my finger, and no I don't have long finger nails.
Well, I think most try to push in line with the arrow, along the longitudinal axis of the unit. Even pulling up with their finger nail.
If held at about 45* face down and first pushing downwards and then along the axis it doesn't take as long as 5 seconds.
TomTom just sent me a new BT Remote for my 920 (Fast too) and I noticed 2.1 things right off the bat.

1.) The one that came with my TomTom 920 was Gray, but the one that TomTom had sent as a replacement is Black. Which I like better then gray even though my TomTom 920 itself is Gray.

2.) I am able to use my thumb nail to push in the lever/lock on the back of the replacement BT Remote to replace the battery. My old Gray one I had to use something stronger than my thumb nail to unlock it.

.1) I no longer have issues with battereys only lasting 2 days in my BT Remote. YAY!

Just thought I would share.
go 920 remote

I had similar experience but with the right size jewellers driver was able to push retainer back ok. On another Go 920 matter has anyone out there changed the nicads on this model. Have had a look inside and nothing obvious jumps out at me. Any advice would be appreciated. Unit work great under power.
TomTom just sent me a new BT Remote for my 920 (Fast too) and I noticed 2.1 things right off the bat.

1.) The one that came with my TomTom 920 was Gray, but the one that TomTom had sent as a replacement is Black. Which I like better then gray even though my TomTom 920 itself is Gray.
That is because they sent you the one for the 930.

2.) I am able to use my thumb nail to push in the lever/lock on the back of the replacement BT Remote to replace the battery. My old Gray one I had to use something stronger than my thumb nail to unlock it.
Don't bother with the nail, you'll break it eventually.

Hold the unit upside down, thumb and fore finger at the small end, tilting the big end up about 30*.
Use the tip of the thumb on the other hand and push level forward against the tab of the device.
Pops out any time even though the resistance can be a bit heavy at times.

Some of us with 930's had problems using the up/down buttons when using the phone book with the remote. That is solved by going back to OS 8.302 (see sig,)
.1) I no longer have issues with battereys only lasting 2 days in my BT Remote. YAY!
I switched to rechargeables and just pop them out when not in use, as it is so easy!
Thanks for that very helpful data DNH. I had removed the two items prior to this but started scratching my head at what next as nothing shows as nicad at that stage. Thanks again will progress further now.
Pics came out great by the way.

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