8.3 Upgrade offered for x20 and x30 units


First, I really don't remember the direction ever being possible to be achieved on my unit but it's been so long that I changed options on the Status Bar that I forget if 'direction' was ever offered. Anyway, I selected it in 8.3 since I'm 'directionally challenged' at the best of times :(

The bad news......

From reading some posts in the UK forum, it appears that N8.3 is, in a sense, a dummied down version of the operating system that users there with x40 (the Live series) get in the 8.2 o/s that comes with the x40.

Well, the x40 has been altered hardware wise as well as software from the x30 models in that only the 940 comes with a mp3 player as I understand it.

Further, the fm instruction option was removed from the 8.2 operating system. This removal of existing functionality carried over with the 8.3 firmware as you've emphatically observed.

I don't know any way around the issue other than rolling back the firmware as you've done. This problem, along with the lack of 3rd party functionality may justify doing that.

Now, the 8.3 firmware with its 24/7 IQ routing IS required to work with the 8.15 maps just announced today.

So, a user has to decide what's important to him or her vis-a-vis the functionality choices available in various levels of firmware; 8.010 gives (some) 3rd party support and FM instructions, 8.3 gives 24/7 IQ routing when used with a 8.15 map.

There is no right answer.:(

Here's an explanation I just saw on the UK forum for the loss of the fm transmission. It won't be very palatable, I'm afraid. It's from Andy_P:

"apparently it is due to some obscure EU rule about *not* having intermittant FM transmissions.
Seems daft to me. VERY glad I got a Bluetooth car radio now."
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Updated last night and I noticed another thing they fixed is the speed limit rounding issue. All the speed limits I have set now show correctly. Displaying the direction was available in the last version. I never used it but tried to select it and because I had all the other items selected it wouldn't let me unless I unselected one of the other items.
A user in the UK forum said he adjusted the speed limit on one road to 30 mph and now it shows 31! :confused: :confused:
Is it just me, or does it seem slower overall? For instance when you don't have a route planned and you take a turn its not expecting, it seems to take longer to show that I've turned.

Also when pressing the buttons it's not responding as fast as it was on the previous version.
Is it just me, or does it seem slower overall? For instance when you don't have a route planned and you take a turn its not expecting, it seems to take longer to show that I've turned.

Also when pressing the buttons it's not responding as fast as it was on the previous version.

Yep! Same here. It's just not as peppy as before.


First, I really don't remember the direction ever being possible to be achieved on my unit but it's been so long that I changed options on the Status Bar that I forget if 'direction' was ever offered. Anyway, I selected it in 8.3 since I'm 'directionally challenged' at the best of times :(

The bad news......

From reading some posts in the UK forum, it appears that N8.3 is, in a sense, a dummied down version of the operating system that users there with x40 (the Live series) get in the 8.2 o/s that comes with the x40.

Well, the x40 has been altered hardware wise as well as software from the x30 models in that only the 940 comes with a mp3 player as I understand it.

Further, the fm instruction option was removed from the 8.2 operating system. This removal of existing functionality carried over with the 8.3 firmware as you've emphatically observed.

I don't know any way around the issue other than rolling back the firmware as you've done. This problem, along with the lack of 3rd party functionality may justify doing that.

Now, the 8.3 firmware with its 24/7 IQ routing IS required to work with the 8.15 maps just announced today.

So, a user has to decide what's important to him or her vis-a-vis the functionality choices available in various levels of firmware; 8.010 gives (some) 3rd party support and FM instructions, 8.3 gives 24/7 IQ routing when used with a 8.15 map.

There is no right answer.:(

Here's an explanation I just saw on the UK forum for the loss of the fm transmission. It won't be very palatable, I'm afraid. It's from Andy_P:

"apparently it is due to some obscure EU rule about *not* having intermittant FM transmissions.
Seems daft to me. VERY glad I got a Bluetooth car radio now."

But you do see the heading/direction in my pic right? Also in the video it showed the heading. And these pics are on my ONE XL that I used to own. 720 also showed heading prior to 8.3. And the reason why I keep bringing this up is because I wanted to make sure that what I am looking at is really a heading.

Thank you dhn for the time to answer my questions :) I was having a real bad night last night, and this morning SURE AS HECK is NOT any better. Was called this morning by my employer and told that they no longer pay for travel time, which is a HUGE killer for me! fkjndkflhdskjdfj!
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Yeah, you were right about the heading being there in the earlier versin; I just missed it, Sage.

The mates in UK are pursuing the issue with TT regarding the supposed EU ruling regarding FM transmission. If and when I hear more, I'll report back.

  • Support for > 4 gig sdhc cards
  • Compass direction back
  • Scrolling a poi shows 48 items, not 24
  • Easier selection of voices
  • Some with RDS antennas report better traffic reception
  • Additional planning preferences

...and other improvements
About to post but you guys are way to fast :)
Pretty much covers everything.
Anyway, I continue with dhn post as a list of features offered in NavCore 8.300

* Power on seems to be faster
* Power off is a lot faster
* Availabe RAM (free memory) is way less.
* Overall performance seems to be SLOWER but track and lock signals are faster.
* GUI back to the original x20 blue theme with shaded icons
* Custom POI icon will not be stretched but contains within the square box with pointer.
* Custom POI icon on the Browse Map has pointer in the bottom.
* Next street turn will be in the upper right corner of the screen, not at the bottom as before. This will make the navigating screen a little bigger.
* "changedtext" tweak file seems to be not working anymore (this might not related to NC8.300)
* After plot the route, "IQ Route" indication is not shown, just the (day)
Mr.Software tester, would you please be kind enough to do me a quick favor by testing TomTom's "feature filled" software by seeing if you are able to play INSTRUCTIONS through your FM transmitter pretty please with a cherry on top? :p Me love you long time dhn!

Can anyone else please also try? Me love you long time too! :)

And why do people keep saying you can now see your heading? That was always there! Again, I could be mistaking what I'm seeing, but I swear it shows me the degrees plus heading... Here's an old pic I took last month. Again I could be really dumb and might not be understanding you guys, but here's a pic..


And here's a youtube video of when I took my ONE XL on an airplane. It shows heading as well...


Not sure if this is what you want regarding FM radio but there is a speaker preferance setting and when I clicked on music to come from bluetooth FM radio and restart my TT it gives me a meaasge that it is connected to FM radio,,,,So perhaps instructions may come through FM radio as well ???

Haven't had much road time with 8.300 but what i'm seeing..... i'm liking

Best part is moving street name in upper screen-- makes better overall use of screens real estate.

Deffinatly seeing a quicker sat fix and appears to be snappier
Does the "changedtext" text file still working?
Looks like it does on yours but it doesn't on mine.
Have you done anything with it?
"Miles" better

Other things to like:
* <1 mile it no longer reverts to yards. It actually keeps it in miles, and computer voices say "one quarter mile" instead of ??? yards. Hooray!
* Maybe it's just me, but the computer voices seem easier to understand.
Few more things I've noticed:

Some (but not all) of the "brand" icons have reverted to their defaults.

During startup, you can no longer tap "anywhere" on the Owner's Name screen to continue--only the 'Continue' button will advance it now. :(

The MPH Round-off Error seems to be gone, but sometimes the unit drops the "MPH" text from its displayed speed limit and not just when displaying the "spd/max" fraction (quite the opposite, actually. Far as I can tell, it's more likely to drop the 'MPH' on streets without a Max value set...).
It looks like my 920 will be going back to Amazon, I just received it Friday and upgraded the maps to 8.10 that night. I'll just order another, they are actually a few bucks cheaper now and I get overnight shipping for $4 so it's more than worth it for the map upgrade.

I might try calling TT to see if they will upgrade me to 8.15 but I'm not holding my breath.
I made a mistake by upgrading my 720 with 8.3 when it asked. Now I can't get the computer voice activated. I've deleted and reinstalled the voices but it still refuses to talk. Most of the other voices are silent also. Any help would be appreciated.

I tried to install a UK computer voice on my 720T with 8.300 and 8.15 maps
and I did not have any problems with the computer voice. It spoke up all the streetnames and such.

European TT 720T bough in Sweden.
Ugh! Besides TomPlayer, 3rd party apps as simple as "Calculator" & "SplashBack" are also broken. :mad:

They must've really changed the way things operate (like, exposed methods, etc.).
I got my 920 less than a month ago and already updated to the 810 maps. Since the unit is less than a month old I should still be eligable for the new 815 maps correct?

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