720 with map v 810.1907

When playing a demo, the ALG static image will not show up if the speed is higher than a certain percentage (200% comes to memory but could be wrong).
Used to be 300 %, I used 285 %. According to a UK post it is now supposed to have increased to 400 %.

Cannot be bothered to switch to the European maps to test it for sure.
Haven't tried this, but you may be able to fix it by setting your "Current Location" in Home at the demo's starting point. Maybe.
That's what I thought.
I tried to do something like this locally because I wanted to post an itinerery in the list. The trip was alternating between express and collector lanes in Toronto but according to the demo it made me clover leaf every second exit and start all over.
I didn't want to divulge my coordinates so I tried to "Set current location".

Somehow I got it to move but then it took me over two days to have it accept my actual home position as "Current Position".

I'd be grateful if anyone could post, preferably as a new thread, how to easily and swiftly change the current location.

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