7.9xx for TT One, GO 700, Rider + 2nd Ed

Hmm, I updated my Rider 2 and didn't lose my favorites. Could it be the map that you have installed? I'm still on 6.67

I didnt lose mine either on my Rider2. But as I said in an earlier post, my "operate my rider" function wouldnt work. It tried downloading the emulator to operate, but always ended in "error". Went back to 7.541 and all is well again.

Thanks dhn! I just did this, and it was really easy. I think Tom Tom should consider the feasibilty of the Favorites function. It seems to be that it's more trouble than it's worth if it will simply get in the way of updates like this.
OK, now I'm wondering... Is there any way to edit the symbol for the POI category that I just created?
Last edited:
I updated my one...

On the SD card I left the old version app.
On the internal storage I put the new app.

The favorites are gone from the internal HD so I'll be skipping the update on the SD card for now.

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