1110 maps Released

yes in fact ... plus I had a shared wi fi ... but I didn't know that the subscription had expired and since it had happened in the evening I hadn't even noticed.
yes in fact ... plus I had a shared wi fi ... but I didn't know that the subscription had expired and since it had happened in the evening I hadn't even noticed.
Oh man, what were the odds of THAT happening???
Sto riscontrando vari problemi ad accedere ai servizi TOMTOM
We are hearing that others are having issues, too. It seems that there is an issue with the cellular connection in some parts of Europe at the moment. If you can change your connection so that your phone is a WiFi hotspot, and your 6200 is looking at the WiFi on your phone for the connection, you should be able to get service that way.
Anche a me è successa la stessa cosa... collegati ad un cellulare tramite router e disabilita il wifi di casa...
Tomtom have released the 1110 Maps for my Go Camper (and I assume the Truck version) a few weeks behind their initial map update release. I wonder if this 3 week delay will be the norm going forward?
Tomtom have released the 1110 Maps for my Go Camper (and I assume the Truck version) a few weeks behind their initial map update release. I wonder if this 3 week delay will be the norm going forward?
If it's a GO Camper Max or a GO Camper Tour, you should have your GPS fully updated every month.

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