Which Old Unit Best to Learn POI Editing?

Jul 17, 2011
I'm deeply comfortable with creating waypoint & POI files for Garmin units, and sometimes I find a need to help get data onto TomTom units - which I'm not familiar with at all.

I'd like to get an older unit via eBay with which I can build up familiarity with the TomTom ecosystem, and I'd like to get suggestions on which units would be best for both economy & technical depth.

So which TomTom will give me thorough data handling options but is old enough to avoid too high a cost please?
For POI creation just continue to make the file as for the Garmin then use POIEdit on your PC to save the file in the ov2 (TomTom) format.

As for a cheap device anything made over two years ago is fine for POI handling, also if you want Itinerary support avoid the One Third Edition - Mike
what annoys me Most about uploading POI.. within the unit menu itself from a 620 I have is : Menu- tom tom services/advance one step/download POIs/connect to my cell phone / connected / then ONLY USA is available from the 'short short short' list of Country's .. what? no Canada ??

So I update all the Basket Robbins south of the border to my unit ...........

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