TT + Magellan Carkit - Impressions after couple days


Apr 7, 2011
TomTom Model(s)
iPhone app

I'm running TT on my iPhone 4 driving around in Victoria, BC, Canada. Here's my new member intro post and some early impressions. Thanks for putting this forum together. Being a forum admin in another field I know how much work goes into these things. Kudos to the owners and admins here.

So here goes...

I chose to buy the Magellan car kit instead of the Tom Tom since Magellan seemed to have a full GPS built in and promises to support even an iPod Touch running various GPS apps. I have not tried this config yet but eventually I'm hoping to re-purpose an older iPhone 3 or an iPod Touch and liberate my iPhone4.

I had sound problems when Magellan Handsfree was paired to my iPhone 4 via BT. Seeing similar issues reported with the Tom Tom car kit I removed pairing today and observed that the sound issues are gone! So it probably is safe to think that TT at its current iteration might have some BT paired handset incompatibility issues with various brands of car kits.

Routing seems to be quick and accurate. Signal acquisition and retention is good.

I have seen a lot of references to TT not having speed limit data for Canada but I was pleased to see TT iPhone has some speed limit data for some of the roads I'm driving on. Perhaps these are user submitted map corrections. Who ever is the source, please keep them coming. Once I figure out how to submit map corrections I will try and add more speed limit data if this is possible in the map correction process.

So thats about all. So far so good. More feedback to come. Keep well.
Welcome to TTF.

Canada's map data has improved steadily since version 845 (current is 865) so highways in most areas will show the speed limits and some main roads. Side roads, not much, if any.
Welcome to TTF.

Canada's map data has improved steadily since version 845 (current is 865) so highways in most areas will show the speed limits and some main roads. Side roads, not much, if any.

DHN, thanks for your kind welcome. I am glad to hear the speed limit data is improving. Do you know if user map correction process allows updating of speed limits by us? Haven't tried it yet but will do soon.

My current wishlist after brief usage :

Ability to import waypoints set in Google Maps similar to what Garmin does.
Ability to consider additional route constraints such as :

*) Do not use any 30km/h zone during school hours.
*) Do not get me to cross any 2 way 4 lane major road at an intersection with no traffic lights. These take real long time to find the gap.

Overall I can't complain though. So far generally happy experience although I am sure the honeymoon will be over at some point.

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