TT Home POI additions list very long


Dec 28, 2007
pacific northWET
I have not fired up TT Home in quite a while. I wanted to see if I still had Itinerary Planning (I do and will not update to "fix" it). That led me around more and I actually tried Mapshare for the first time in a long time and it worked (god knows what roads it broke but ....).

Then I decided go explore more. I went to ADD... and checked out POI's. The TT Home shows a very limited window/list and you have to keep asking for the next page. Does anyone know if there is a universal list on the web of these various points of interest. It might help if I could quickly scan a longer list to zero in on poi's that I might want to add to the device. I did narrow it to the US but the limited viewing window just makes it tedious.

Thanks in advance.

Edited to add: I see something like: "Reported - a moderator will check out this item in two days." What does this mean? Is the POI file bad? Has someone uploaded a bunch of fake or erroneous POI's?
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Thanks for those suggestions. And this site, too, has a wide array of POI files. I was just hoping that the "official" TT ones were available elsewhere.
Thanks for those suggestions. And this site, too, has a wide array of POI files. I was just hoping that the "official" TT ones were available elsewhere.

AFAIK, I'd rather get the non-Tomtom official POI of Harvey's or whatever. I have more confidence in those and can correct them nyself without needing to wait until TT decides to do so. Their official POIs ov2 files can't be edited with any program I've tried. I've read comments about their radar POI vs those from users and the comparison favored the user built version vs TT's.

As for the radar traps POI, I've modified mine to include some road bumps on roads I don't travel on often. One of these had made me lose my front mag wheels' center caps...

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