Trying to update my Europe map with MyDrive, on my start 25.

Aug 5, 2011
SW France
TomTom Model(s)
Start 25 Europe
I have just bought a Map Update Service deal but I'm having trouble finding how to download it and to make the connection for my device. I have opened the firewall.
Currently I make updates using MyDrive after being informed that they are due by a small dialog box. I have no problems connecting my device. However, MyDrive doesn't show the update I have bought.
If I follow the instructions that came with the TomTom email receipt is says I should use MyTomTom however, on another page I was told that I should use MyDrive. I am confused.
I received the offer using my normal email address but this is not the email address I use for MyDrive. During previous problems I created a MyDrive account (gmail) which cured the problems connecting my device.
I wonder if anyone has any comments or observations about the problem.
MyDrive used to be called MyTomTom. Your model does use MyDrive and you should be logged in with the same email address used to purchase the MUS in the first place.

That said, the latest map is 925 or 926 in some jurisdictions with the next main map update (930) due within a few weeks. So, if you do have 925 on your device currently, you won't be offered a new map at the present time.

See here: software

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