truck software - low bridge clearance

Oct 13, 2007
TomTom Model(s)
tomtom one 3rd edition
I am a new user of my tomtom one. It is WONDERFUL. It has been on the mark exactly everytime. My problem is I am a truck driver. My hubby and I drive a 40' straight truck. We will and have done a lot of runs in the New York and New Jersy area, so far no problems. I am looking for a software down load to add low bridge clearance warning. Does anyone out there know if this is available for my tomtom one 3rd edition???????? PLEASE HELP :)
hello! i am a truck driver also and the software you are looking for i don't think is in existence for the tomtom. i haven't heard of it anyway. would be nice to have a program you could add into the tomtom for low clearances, weight limited bridges/roads, truck routes, etc. i don't think many of the people on here are truck drivers and the guys/gals that are writing the add on programs for the tomtom i don't think are truck drivers either.

maybe somebody on here knows of a different unit that offers those capabilities.
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I am a new user of my tomtom one. It is WONDERFUL. It has been on the mark exactly everytime. My problem is I am a truck driver. My hubby and I drive a 40' straight truck. We will and have done a lot of runs in the New York and New Jersy area, so far no problems. I am looking for a software down load to add low bridge clearance warning. Does anyone out there know if this is available for my tomtom one 3rd edition???????? PLEASE HELP :)

Try for what you're looking for. The only thing is you'll have to convert the files from csv format to ov2 format which is no big deal. Use the BATCH CONVERT feature in PoiEdit 2007. If you have any problems just ask.


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