Transfering POI's-TomTom support cant help??

Aug 22, 2010
I cracked the screen of my old 825 which I have collected an increasing number of POI's from other TT models. I bought the new 5100 for which I was assured that the new TT transfer assistant would transfer all I needed......... Wrong! I tried and it only transferred 1 favourite. Contacted TT support to be told that it was not possible to do? I have heard this from TT before and normally found a solution. Can anybody help with the transferring of POI's from my 825 to my new 5100? I seem to remember something about longitude & Latitude and transferring manually? Would prefer them all transferred at once but happy to do them one by one!!

Amy suggestions and help would be greatly appreciated.

You need MyDrive for that model to transfer pois but you can't transfer associated bmp files.

See here:

(2 min 10 sec mark)
You cannot transfer POIs but only POI categories, ie. that is the folder with an .ov2 extension that contains your POIs.
That said, I am sure that is what you are trying to import.

First you must download the web version of MyDrive:

Open it and log in.
Click My Places, then POI Files.
At the very bottom you see Import POI File.
Click and select the .ov2 you want. Only one at a time.

Open your 5100 My Places and go to the very bottom of your list.
Your POI category file should now be there, without the .ov2 extension.

To go to a POI, tap Search and type the category name. All your POIs will be there, in distance from current location.

Let us know if that worked for you
You cannot transfer POIs but only POI categories, ie. that is the folder with an .ov2 extension that contains your POIs.
That said, I am sure that is what you are trying to import.

First you must download the web version of MyDrive:

Open it and log in.
Click My Places, then POI Files.
At the very bottom you see Import POI File.
Click and select the .ov2 you want. Only one at a time.

Open your 5100 My Places and go to the very bottom of your list.
Your POI category file should now be there, without the .ov2 extension.

To go to a POI, tap Search and type the category name. All your POIs will be there, in distance from current location.

Let us know if that worked for you

Arno hi,
Many thanks for your reply. I have a drive account for my 825, can I also use the same account for my 5100, and do I just plug it in? TT support said this wasn't possible but to be honest I have much more faith on you guys on the forum!!
Watching TT ( not TomTom!) racing in the Isle of Man at the moment so will give this a try when I get home!!
Thank you for your time in replying
You need a separate account for the newer 5100 than used for the 825. And, MyDriveConnect, of course.
Piff, as dhn said you need a separate account for EACH device. If your old one does not have live time maps but the new one does, you would not be getting any free map updates.

You do not need to make a new eMail address with your ISP, a fake one will do but under that one MDC knows what's on your device and to what you are entitled.

Good luck.
Why do you need a separate account for each device? Tomtom say that you have up to 10 devices per account.
Here's the problem. In theory, you can have up to 10 devices associated with one email address while using MyDriveConnect, including one Nav2 device. But I simply can't see how that might be accomplished easily (having the Nav2 device as one of the devices).

Certainly, it should be no problem if all devices are Nav3 or higher devices.
Sorry for the delay in letting you know the result of the transfer but after returning from my travels, sent the cracked screen unit away for repair and just waiting for it to be returned.
Question: Can I use the same My Drive software for both the 825 and 5100 but to log in under 2 different accounts? Also, If I do that will I be able to see the POI's from the 825 if I log in under the 5100?. Looking forward to getting all my old POI's back!!
Many thanks for your help


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