TomTom XL 350 - screen won't turn on after update

Dec 30, 2016
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/us.png" alt="United States" /> United States
TomTom Model(s)
XL 350
I have a TomTom XL350 with life time maps SN GK5490G08260.
Of course it's out of the 1 year limited warranty that TomTom offers.
I was updating the maps periodically in order to have the latest road modifications.
During one of those updates I noticed I have the option to add Canada to the my maps.
After adding it the device won't turn on anymore - I can hear the drum roll and I can see the screen turning from dark black to grey - the lcd it's lit from the sides but no image.
When I attached to the PC, I can see the device as usual in Tom Tom Home and no errors are given.
I already tried resetting the device by holding the reset button >20 sec and the power on button for > 5 sec.
I tried charging the battery from the wall plug for several hours.
I tried making a full back-up, format the drive (no quick format) in FAT format.
Then TOM TOM tells me that my device needs to be installed.
I installed it from scratch and download again the US map and transfer it to the device.
Still the device won't turn on.

One thing to mention - one of the guides I found says that after the internal memory is formatted and the navigation installation is first installed the device needs to reboot a couple of times and the user has to press "yes" on the device for that. This never happened in my case - the device just sat there for a long time - I used a pin to push the reset button and then the device came back and I could load the maps on it and everything else.

Has anyone seen these symptoms before?

Any suggestion besides changing the hw screen/lcd on the device?

Thank you!
My guess is the navcore isn't compatible or has somehow become corrupted.
I would delete all data off the unit and do a fresh navcore and maps install.
That should solve your problem. Don't change the screen/LCD.
How do I do that?
I was under the impression I already deleted all the data and did a fresh software and map install.
Where/How can I get a fresh navcore?

Navcore = application.

Do you have a backup of the unit's contents. I suspect the battery might be the issue.

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