TomTom vs. NYC

Oct 3, 2011
Hi guys,

I always used TomTom for the iPhone with the traffic info when in cities other than my own - NYC. I used it mostly in LA and Denver on business travels and it always worked perfectly well. HD traffic in LA is the best thing since sliced bread.

Which brings me to NYC. A friend left me with her car for the month, so I've been trying out the app and the traffic service every time I take the wheel. It doesn't seem like TomTom paid much attention to this place.

All the bridges are abbreviated "Br", which TomTom reads as "Branch". So you have "Brooklyn Branch", "Williamsburg Branch", so on, so forth. That's just a pet peeve though. The real problems start with IQ routes and traffic info for the city.

I found that in 90% of the places I've used TomTom it's never off by more than 5 minutes. In NYC it consistently predicts ETA at least 10 minutes earlier than the real thing. Quite often it will tell you to take unauthorized left turns. A good example of this is as you get off Manhattan bridge to take Canal St. You can only take Canal from the lower roadway since the left turn is blocked for those that take the outer roadway. HD Traffic seems to be way less efficient here than anywhere else I used it. I got stuck in the Battery Tunnel entrance for over 20 minutes and the system never showed it as having any traffic.

I imagine that NYC is responsible for at least 10% of all the business TomTom gets in the US. I would think they would pay a little bit more attention to its idiosyncrasies.

Have you had the same experience in NYC as I have?

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