TomTom One XL - useless MapShare

Jan 18, 2009
I got a TomTom ONE XL during the holidays and have been using it on a regular basis since then. The MapShare feature sounds interesting and I proceeded to start making corrections when appropriate. I setup my TomTom to include changes I would make, changes approved by MapShare and also changes made by many users.

Next thing I know, the corrections I made are never taken into account. A clear proof was a left turn my TomTom keeps suggesting somewhere where it is impossible (there's a cement divider on the street son only right turns are possible). I kept correcting it, thinking that maybe I did something wrong the last time, and sure enough, the left turn was suggested the next time I'd be at that intersection.

I opened a TomTom support ticket and got the following surprising and disappointing answer.

[...] Currently we do not have an anticipated turn around time for the MapShare updates. This program is still very new and we are still getting a 'feel' for how many errors are reported each day, week, and month and how quickly we can verify these errors and redistribute them back to our users. We ask for your patience while we continue to improve this new service for all our customers. [...]

[...]The errors are not being kept by the TomTom due to the software. We are working on an update that should fix the issue. At this time we do not have a timeframe for when it will be released.[...]

Based on those answers, MapShare is basically useless now unless I misunderstand. If you have any input, clarification, or comment on that, please share!

Tomtom has a delay in getting people's mapshare changes out to all users.

However, specific types of changes should be effective instantly on your own device.

Application 8.x allows turn restrictions to be made instantly via the "change turn restrictions" option. Is this how you are trying to correct the road? Or are you using an earlier application version?
probably 10 days ago, I changed the speed limit on I 75 northbound north from exit 7a (Miramar, Florida) to I 595 (Weston, FL), from 55 to 70. I haven't gotten around to changing the south bound side. The change shows on my TT. Could someone check if this change has been shared?
Ernie, you'll need to provide the information as to what map and version number you have since mapshares are map specific.
Tomtom has a delay in getting people's mapshare changes out to all users.

However, specific types of changes should be effective instantly on your own device.

Application 8.x allows turn restrictions to be made instantly via the "change turn restrictions" option. Is this how you are trying to correct the road? Or are you using an earlier application version?

I do have software version 8.010 and have made the changes as you point out (change turn restriction). That is why I am surprised that the changes are not even remembered by my own TomTom and even more surprised by the response received by customer support ("The errors are not being kept by the TomTom due to the software. We are working on an update that should fix the issue. At this time we do not have a timeframe for when it will be released.".
A clear proof was a left turn my TomTom keeps suggesting somewhere where it is impossible (there's a cement divider on the street son only right turns are possible). I kept correcting it, thinking that maybe I did something wrong the last time, and sure enough, the left turn was suggested the next time I'd be at that intersection.

I've never had a problem with the changes staying on my own device. Where are you trying to do this update (coordinates if you have them) and how are you trying to correct?
I've never had a problem with the changes staying on my own device. Where are you trying to do this update (coordinates if you have them) and how are you trying to correct?

Tim25 -

The coordinates are N 34.07564 / W 84.29504. The problem is that on the road going south, you can NOT turn left or go straight as there's a divider. You must turn right. By the way, the issue isn't really only with this specific correction - the issue is TomTom taking into account my corrections.

It turns out that TomTom does keep my corrections until I synch MapShare connecting my TomTom to my computer. After I do that, it loses my changes.

Below is the process I have been following.

• Map Corrections
• Correction Preferences (to look at the settings)
o Following items are checked:​
 Correction I made myself
 Veriried by TomTom
 To POI I subscribe to
 Trusted source
 Reported by many
• Correct a map error
• Change turn restrictions
• On map
• Tap on intersection on map
• Select approach road ( road going down at N 34.07564 / W 84.29504)
• Done
• Tap left turn and straight
• Done
• Your Map Has Been Change! Would you like to share with other TomTom Users?
• Yes
• Please confirm: Permanent?
• Yes
• Thanks!
• Continue
• Little message says “your change has been saved”
• Done

1 - Try a route and it takes into consideration my correction. That’s good.
2 - Close/Open TomTom and do test. Takes into consideration my correction. That’s good.

3 - Synch MapShare = Bad News
• Connect TomTom to my computer/TomTom Home 2.5
• Update my One XL
• Select MapShare Map Update for USA/Canada
• Update and Install
• Done successfully, it says that I have 11188 MapShare connections in use
• Operate my ONE XL
• Try a route and it does NOT take into account my correction anymore.

So you can make edits and it takes, but during the next mapshare update Home overrides them?

Have you tried restricting your mapshare updates to "Corrections I made myself" and "Verified by Tomtom"?

Maybe someone flooded mapshare with incorrect edits and it's overriding your correction?

I looked at the point you referenced in Google Maps...I could see the divider you were talking about in the Street View. I did the same updates on my TT (restricted left turns and straight ahead) at that intersection. I confirmed the turn restrictions were in place....I then did a map share update in TT Home. I disconnected and confirmed they were still there. I tried to do another map share update just to see....after that, the changes were still there. I then planned a test route and it behaved like I would have expected with the turn restrictions in place.

All seems well....can't reproduce.

A question....when you are ready to leave TT Home...Are you going to the TT Home Device menu and selecting disconnect or are you just pulling the cord from your TT...or just powering it off? Just wondering since it seems to be working fine for me.
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Perhaps you can "reset your mapshare". This will erase any edits you made, and any edits your have received from others via mapshare.

1) unhide hidden/system files in Windows and backup your entire device using explorer
2) go to your map folder (eg: North_America or USA_and_Canada)
3) go to the map folder in windows explorer detail view, and find the "date modified" of mapuserpatch.dat and mapserverpatch.dat. Find out which has the earlier "date modified".
4) In the map folder, delete all files modified on or after the "earlier date modified" identified in step 3. This includes deleting the two files named above.
5) In the root folder, delete the files currentmap.dat and userpatch.dat

When you restart tomtom you should have all mapshare edits deleted. Start tomtom and do a test route to make sure everything is working fine. If any problems, restore from the backup in step 1.

After confirming everything is fine, go to tomtom home and download all the map updates.

Then after getting tomtom's map updates, go make your update. Redo the updates in home and see if your update sticks this time.
The only time I ever lose my own corrections is when I upgrade to a new map (If TomTom hasn't included the correction onto their own map)

Besides that, the unit is supposed to maintain the change on your own device. Not sure what's going on in your case.
I am not sure this will help but try to run the Clear Flash tool found here

dhn - Thanks for the help. I kept that tip for the end as it seemed possibly a bit radical. Fortunately, I think I solved the problem (see below).

A question....when you are ready to leave TT Home...Are you going to the TT Home Device menu and selecting disconnect or are you just pulling the cord from your TT...or just powering it off? Just wondering since it seems to be working fine for me.

Tim 25 - First, thanks for taking the time to try to reproduce and help. It is very much appreciated. To answer your question, up until now, when ready to leave TT Home, I always simply unplugged my GPS device. Now that you mention it, I just noticed the ?disconnect? option. That being said, I never unplugged my GPS unit while there?s a red ?X? on the GPS screen indicating that it should not be disconnected.

All that being said, while I was testing based on you comment, I now see that my own correction is ?lost? after I synch with MapShare, even before I unplug my GPS unit. In other words, I do the map correction and it remembers my change. Then, I synch with MapShare and from that point on ? even without disconnecting my unit ? the change is forgotten.

Have you tried restricting your mapshare updates to "Corrections I made myself" and "Verified by Tomtom"?

mvl - Just did what you suggest (restricting mapshare updates to my corrections or those verified by TomTom. Tested again and right after I synched with MapShare, it forgot my correction!

But your suggestion prompted me to try different related things and I basically disabled everything related to mapshare and had all corrections erased and re-enabled MapShare and it now works. I didn?t quite do it the way you described in your subsequent message about resetting my mapshare (going into directories, etc.) as I saw your message after but the goal was similar. I don?t have the details or step-by-step of what I did because I was at a point where I wasn?t documenting things ? just trying ? but it now works. Not sure what the issue was.

Thanks to all who went out of their way to help, it is very much appreciated. I must say that I am a bit disappointed at TomTom?s customer service who basically told me ?Sorry. It is a software issue, we are working on it, we don?t know when it will be fixed. Ticket closed.? They either didn?t properly understand my issue and obviously didn?t try to understand it better. No dialogue, no questions, no attempt to really make sure that the issue was understood. Answer, apologize, close ticket, move on to next whiner.
As a follow-up: now that my MapShare issue is fixed, I am still paranoid about my corrections getting lost in the future. Is there a way to see a recap, somewhere, of all the map corrections I made?
Afraid not, they become part of a compiled file, not able to be read by a normal text editor.

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