tomtom one won't start

Apr 29, 2012
TomTom Model(s)
tomtom one (series 30) 125/130
I have a tomtom one (30 series) 125. My device won't go past the black screen with the tomtom logo. I have done the following: removed and reinstalled tomtom home 2, including all files in Documents; reset; press and hold reset until a page of technical data shows up on the device; done a full format of the device and re-installed the application; charged the unit all night. In short, I have done everything that I could find about it on the forums, and nothing changes. Here's what happens when I turn it on: First off, I have to hold the ON button for about 4 seconds before anything happens, the tomtom logo screen appears (black background, tomtom with the hands playing drum symbol), then an orange screen appears with the device pictured and a little hard drive in the lower left. A progress bar appears, goes all the way across the bottom, then the black tomtom logo screen reappears. There is a slight change of brightness in the logo screen after it has been on for a couple of seconds, but the device doesn't go any farther than that. If I want to turn it off, I have to press and hold the switch down for 20 seconds before it shuts off. If I hold it down for longer than that, a screen of technical data appears. When I hook up the device to my computer, the device doesn't ask me if I want to connect to the computer, it just shows a graphic of the device with "Please Wait" and an animation of "don't pull the plug". I can 'see' it as an E: drive, and I can access it through tomtom Home2.
I have a working Series 30, copied all the files from that onto a fully formatted device, and it still hung up on the logo screen.
I posted this on the forum and 'dhn' suggested I delete the mapsetting.cfg file from the map folder. Did that, to no effect. His was the only response I got on that forum. I even tried the Clear Flash tool, on the hope that something was stuck there, that didn't have any effect.
Lastly, I found a reference on the forum to a file called " " . I installed this on the device, and it started and ran through the language choice, miles/km, time format screens. When it got to the 'enter time' screen, and clicked Done, the device froze and rebooted.
Putting v 9 software on your device was not a great idea without checking first. As far as I know v 8.010 is the latest software version intended for the ONE 30 series.

Hopefully the bootloader hasn't been updated to something incompatible with the proper software, if it has, you could be in trouble getting back to a working version of Navcore.

From your post it doesn't sound like you've done this yet:
Tomtom Acting Up? - Part 2 - How To reinstall *fresh* Software using Home

Try that and I hope you're in luck.
Cheers for responding. If I fully format the device, would that clear the bootloader?

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