tomtom 720go need help putting maps on sd card to work

Apr 24, 2010
Hi i havwe a tomtom go 720 i cannot seem to get the maps to open and sometimes to be seen on my sd card...
please help
No need to do a bump after 9 minutes!!!! People don't spend 24/7 roaming these forums.

Now, please explain the situation you are encountering.........

What do you mean you have trouble opening the maps (and what maps [plural] are installed and where? Internal or sd card? And where did you get the maps from? TomTom?
sorry for late reply
Anyway i have a tomtom 720 go and i want to put western and central europe on sd card and run that map from there.............
sometimes i can see the map and it wont let me access it as it says not compatible
im lost to were to find the maps
my version is
please help
thanks gary
i did not get maps from tomtom
i downloaded it
i put it on memory card and it did not give me a choice of map to use
went into manage maps same thing it was there but again would not let me switch
Did you download it using Home from TomTom? If not, where did you download it from? What site? Or, to put it another way, any maps not gotten from TomTom or on an official sd card from TomTom are hacked maps and, as such, any discussion about them is inappropriate here (read the announcement at the top of every forum).

So, please clarify the status of the maps.
Connect your unit to Home. Click on Add maps. Purchase the one you want. Once downloaded, Home installs it on the unit.
The latest application is 8.351. Tap the satellite bars on your unit to see what you have.

Connect the unit to Home. Update my Unit. A new application should be offered. Accept only that and download and install. Disconnect the unit properly from Home (use Home's Device Disconnect icon on bottom right). Reconnect to Home to see if another application is offered (depending upon how old your current app is, you may have to go through this sequence a few times till 8.351 is offered and you install it).
Check the versions are
dll / mapshare are =
app version no is = 8351
app version is = 9982
linux version is = 315187
bootloader is = 55120

I really dont understand these numbers are they correct
Don't worry about the other values. Your application version shows 8.351 and that is the one you want.

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