Purchased new maps

Apr 18, 2012
TomTom Model(s)
I have a US purchased unit.
I purchased United Kingdom maps to use the unit in England in two weeks
I downloaded the maps and installed them.
But after the install the unit seems to lock up at the starting graphic screen
and I must hold the power button on for a long time to get it to restart, where it
just sits at that screen again.
What are the possible problems I could be having.
So the trouble only satarts after you have SWITCHED to the new map in the menu?

If you can manage to get back to the US maps, the problem goes away?

If that's the case, the first things I would try are 1. rewriting or 2. deleting the file "MapSettings.cfg" from the UK map folder on the device.
Instructions on doing that are in sections 2 and 3 of this topic Tomtom Acting Up? -Part 1 - First Steps In System Recovery
Ok I think it works

So I did all that
and at least it comes up with all of the cities in UK now
Of course it does not how any streets because I am still in the US
but I think it will work now
Thanks for the help.

Incidentally, you should still be able to SEARCH for streets in the UK cities...
I've never taken my TomToms to the US, but I can use them to find an address there.

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