Okay to connect TT to 2 computers?

Oct 15, 2007
TomTom Model(s)
GO 720
Would I run into any problems by connecting my TT720 to my home computer and my work computer? I had to charge my TT and I wanted to get the latest GPS update so I installed Home on my work computer and did the updates. Will I run into problems when I connect my TT to my home computer?

Another question, unrelated to the first one. I had some problems downloading and installing the LMG. I had to call customer support 3-4 times to get it done finally. The had me format my unit. Ever since then, I can't get a welcome screen AND a shut down screen. How can I get both of them back?
Would I run into any problems by connecting my TT720 to my home computer and my work computer? I had to charge my TT and I wanted to get the latest GPS update so I installed Home on my work computer and did the updates. Will I run into problems when I connect my TT to my home computer?

Other than having various TT files on the two computers, there shouldn't be an issue. Make sure when you log into TT on the work computer, that the SAME email address is being sent via Home (work) to TomTom's servers so the same account will be utilized from both computers.

Another question, unrelated to the first one. I had some problems downloading and installing the LMG. I had to call customer support 3-4 times to get it done finally. The had me format my unit. Ever since then, I can't get a welcome screen AND a shut down screen. How can I get both of them back?

Format your unit!! :eek: My gawd they hire some idiots for Customer Support at TT!

Anyway, since you have a wide (4.3" inch screen), you need the file splashw.bmp in your root directory. For a shutdown, two things: 1) in Safety Preferences, check 'warn not to leave in car' and 2) you need a file antitheftw.bmp in your root directory.

If you have all that, try a pin reset.
Other than having various TT files on the two computers, there shouldn't be an issue. Make sure when you log into TT on the work computer, that the SAME email address is being sent via Home (work) to TomTom's servers so the same account will be utilized from both computers.

Having various TT files on 2 computers, would my TT keep up and be up to date?

Format your unit!! :eek: My gawd they hire some idiots for Customer Support at TT!

Tell me about it :(

Anyway, since you have a wide (4.3" inch screen), you need the file splashw.bmp in your root directory. For a shutdown, two things: 1) in Safety Preferences, check 'warn not to leave in car' and 2) you need a file antitheftw.bmp in your root directory.

I don't know what or where the root directory is. Is it in My Computer>TomTom?

Another thing to add, before I did the format, when I went to My Computer my TT would show up as "TomTom" and had the icon. Now there is no icon and it just says "Internal: F". Any way to change that back?
I'm almost positive that home looks at the contents of the UNIT, not what files are stored on the computer to determine what your unit has and does not have that is current. But, I'm not 100% sure........I guess you'll have to try or wait till someone with a definitive answer comes around. I DO know others run Home on 2 computers and have no issues with that.

The root is the main location on your UNIT, not on your computer.

Look here:


Ignore reference to deleting or not deleting files or folders. you are looking at the root of the unit. There are folders there and loose files.

To get your icon back for TomTom:

Look at the information in this link provided by Birdman. It'll help.
Anyway, since you have a wide (4.3" inch screen), you need the file splashw.bmp in your root directory. For a shutdown, two things: 1) in Safety Preferences, check 'warn not to leave in car' and 2) you need a file antitheftw.bmp in your root directory.

Now that I know where the root directory is, where do I get these 2 files?
Make 'em yourself would be my suggestion... mine are pictures of the kids. :)

Can I get a start up and shut down image from TT Home? I tried getting one of each and saving them as "splashw.bmp" and "antitheftw.bmp" but it didn't work........?

If it matters, both files are "loose" and not in any folders.
Well, they are named properly and located properly


If you dl a .bmp that REALLY is the smaller size (meant for the 3.5" models) and simply added a 'w' to the file name, the image still won't appear.

But first, undock the unit. Do a pin reset. Turn it on and see if the images show.
Well, they are named properly and located properly


If you dl a .bmp that REALLY is the smaller size (meant for the 3.5" models) and simply added a 'w' to the file name, the image still won't appear.

But first, undock the unit. Do a pin reset. Turn it on and see if the images show.

Oh, that would make sense - maybe the image meant for 3.5 models. Should I try to find an image meant for the 4.3 models before unlocking the unit by doing a pin reset? What might I lose if I do a pin reset (favorites, custom POIs, etc.)?
A pin reset is like turning your computer off instead of putting it in stand-by mode. You lose no settings.
Should I try to find an image meant for the 4.3 models

Did you look at that generator link I posted? You pick any image you want that you have on your computer and then click the button of the appropriate GPS device you have and it generates a wallpaper 'splash screen' for you in the correct dimensions.
A pin reset is like turning your computer off instead of putting it in stand-by mode. You lose no settings.

I did the reset and I got the drum sound at start up back but no start up image and no shut down image. :(

Edit to add: Now I can't even connect my 720 to HOME. I just want to throw this thing out the window!!:mad:

Edit to update: I called Customer Service and after being on the phone 23 mins, I now have a start up image and shut down image. Apparently I did the pin reset incorrectly; you're suppose to have the unit *on* when performing the pin reset. And now I can connect to HOME.
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Did you look at that generator link I posted? You pick any image you want that you have on your computer and then click the button of the appropriate GPS device you have and it generates a wallpaper 'splash screen' for you in the correct dimensions.

not yet. but i will when i get to my home computer (where my pics are). i would like to get my unit back to the way it was before customer support had me format it.

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