Not enough space to install 2015 maps on XL 325s

Apr 5, 2015
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/us.png" alt="United States" /> United States
TomTom Model(s)
XL 325S

I just bought the latest 2015 USA maps update. I started the updating process and now it's stuck telling me: "There is not enough free space on your device to add the item. You need to remove 27.6 MB"

Is there anything I can do at this point?
You could delete your computer voice and switch to the recorded type, but that rather defeats the purpose of having an "s" unit!
It can be tough to free up that much memory. You may have a few recorded voices that you don't need, but those run only about 690~950KB each. That won't get it.

The solution for certain other units has been what are known as 'zoned' maps. Rather than loading all of North America, you load about 1/3 to 1/2 of it at a shot, swapping between zones if needed due to travels. The maps have simply grown too large over time to fit the older small memory models. Your unit has only 1GB of memory, and no uSD card slot. I have not yet heard (that I can recall) any of our users in this jam who have called tech support to see if zoned maps are being made available for the 325S model, but it's certainly worth a try. Give them a call at 866-486-6866 during the week and see if zone maps have been created for your unit. Please let us know how you make out so that we will have that information for future users as well.
It worked, I switched to the male computer voice and removed the female voice and it gave me additional 30MB of free space, enough to install the latest 2015 update
Congrats, but are you insinuating that a female voice takes soooo much more than a male voice to say the same thing?
I didn't realize that they had taken so much space on that little 1GB unit to provide both male and female computer voices! Good that there was an extra one to be deleted.

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