No traffic voucher code in Best Buy 350TM box

Jun 3, 2010
Okay, returned the 335LM / 335M to Sam's Club to get in on the Best Buy 350TM $129.99 deal. Both boxes I purchased were bulging (bent up) and looked like they had been open, but the seal was intact. I decided to check the contents prior to leaving Best Buy since their return policy can suck. The only activation / voucher card in the box was for Lifetime Maps only. I questioned them about the lack of a traffic voucher and they were oblivious.

I received my map update through the map guarantee. I successfully entered the Lifetime Maps subscription through TomTom HOME's activation code entry, but have no clue where I can check on its status. Is there a means through TomTom HOME or the device to tell whether or not I have both services active? Does anyone know whether a second card should have been included in the box for traffic? I do have the traffic receiver / charging cable though.

On a side note, is there a means to adjust the volume in this new interface? From what I've found, you can either turn sound on or mute it.
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Wow, even I can answer this one ! The new traffic receiver is built in to the car adapter. The old one apparently did not have the bulge in the cord, so no receiver. I too questioned the "missing" traffic activation code and asked when I called TT to verify my lifetime map code was registered (they picked up in less than a minute). If you got the XL 350TM, you have the newest "dumbed down" menu. It seems comparable to Garmin, with few allowable customizations, instead of the 20/+ on the 335/340/540 models. I would suggest you switch to the other models if you can.It is probably a good unit, but there is no comparison to the 340. I don't know how much you paid for the 335 before you returned it, but the 335 is a much more customizable unit. If you decide to keep the 350, you did get it for that great price, though. Either way you have TT's IQ routing which Garmin has not matched yet.
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I don't know how much you paid for the 335 before you returned it, but the 335 is a much more customizable unit.
The 335LM / 335M at Sam's Club was purchased for the same price, $130. Sam's lowered the price this week to $119. The menu / GUI on the 335LM / 335M is the same dumbed one as the Best Buy 350TM. :(

I'm at a loss on why they removed the volume option. I'd love to know if the TomTom software is the same as the older configurable units, but is just hidden away begging for a hack to unlock it.
THere is no "code" for the new liefetime traffic. The new combination powercord+fm traffic antenna IS what is needed to get lifetime traffic. The GPS will show traffic if that cable is used.
the 335 series has both fullmenu and easymenu variants. the s m t and tm suffixes are full menu. the se and le variants are easymenu. havent seen a lm but my guess is that it is easymenu also. on easymenu devices tap the lower left corner on navigation view and a volume slider shows up.
Volume control / Instruction repeat

I'm at a loss on why they removed the volume option. I'd love to know if the TomTom software is the same as the older configurable units, but is just hidden away begging for a hack to unlock it.

It is not hidden. Tap the lower left hand box where your current speed is shown.

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