New map and lost POIs

Oct 13, 2012
TomTom Model(s)
ONE europe & XL2 IQ routes
I have just purchased and downloaded the latest offer from TomTom for a new map of Western Europe. The download went perfectly and the map is working fine.

My problem is that all my personal Point of Interest files are not displaying on the satnav (this includes my non TomTom safety cameras). I go to Europe quite often and have many POI files set up for various countries.

When I look on my 'G' drive all the files (.bmp and .ov2) are present but are not seen by the satnav.

Has anyone else experienced this or can offer any advice to correct the problem. Incidently I have done a 'pin in the satnav' reboot to no avail.

My satnav is an XL2 IQ Routes.

Can't think of a reason off the top of my head.

I think the XL2 has the simplified menu structure, so it might not have a "Manage POIs" menu item in the Preferences menu, but I think there should still be a "Show POI on map" menu somewhere. Is that right? Do your POIs not get listed there at all?
Try copying the mapsettings.cfg file from a map backup to the specific map folder on the unit.
Thanks for your speedy replies.

Yes, you are correct regarding the XL2 and its menus. However I have a custom menu on the satnav and have pretty much all menu options. My POIs do not get listed at all.

I have also copied the mapsettings.cfg from a backup to no avail.

When you say the POIs are showing up when you look at the 'G' drive (presumably using Windows Explorer), where exactly are they?

The .ov2 files and the .bmp files need to be in the folder for the currently selected map. That will be PROBABLY be called called "Western Europe" or "Western and Central Europe" or something like that, (but see my thought #3 below too...)

So I'm guessing they somehow ended up NOT in the correct folder, and I can think of two or three possibilities
1. Maybe they are in the "root directory" (i.e. not in a folder at all) or they ended up in a folder called "map"?

2. The new map has a new name and the OLD map folder has been retained and the POI files got left in there?

3. (an extension of #2) When you updated, You had to accept a "zoned" version of the Europe map.
That will have been installed in a new folder called something like "Europe_West" and the old folder called "Western Europe" or whatever, will very likely have been retained.

In all the above possibilities, you'd need to move the POI files into the right map folder....

Fingers crossed!
Many thanks Andy for your endeavours in finding a solution.

You were correct in that the map download created a new folder named 'Western_Europe'
and put the new map there. The POIs were previously situated in a folder called 'Europe_West'. I have copied one of my POIs to this new folder (Western_Europe) and it showed up on my satnav. I shall now move the rest of my POIs to this folder.

Thanks again Andy for taking the time to solve my problem.

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