My Tomtom Go 720 just doesn't work!!!

Oct 21, 2009
Hi Can anyone help with my tomtom go 720.

When I switch it on whether it's connected to a pc, the power or standalone it doesn't work. I get an image as if the tomtom's docked.

I had this problem shortly before having owned it for a year and contacted tomtom's support. They suggested a load of things but none worked and it had to be sent away. They sent it back with a note saying there was nothing wrong with it! I've used it twice since and now have the same problem again.

The pc recognises the device but doesn't show any files within the device itself when you look in explorer.

Tomtom home doesn't recognise it.

Can't back it up because there's nothing there!!

Help!! :confused:
Hi Can anyone help with my tomtom go 720.

When I switch it on whether it's connected to a pc, the power or standalone it doesn't work. I get an image as if the tomtom's docked.

I had this problem shortly before having owned it for a year and contacted tomtom's support. They suggested a load of things but none worked and it had to be sent away. They sent it back with a note saying there was nothing wrong with it! I've used it twice since and now have the same problem again.

The pc recognises the device but doesn't show any files within the device itself when you look in explorer.

Tomtom home doesn't recognise it.

Can't back it up because there's nothing there!!

Help!! :confused:

Do you have a backup on you computer that you can load in you unit ?
Do you still have anything in your tomtom home folder. I realize you say your unit won't connect to home but if there is still applacations etc in your Home folder on your computer you still might be able to get it working .
Within the Program Files tomtom home folder?

In there I have the following:
It could be some where else on your pc ?? perhaps try a serch for a file called complete.

If you can't find that you might try calling TT support
If the map was an update from the one that originally came with your unit, it should be found here:

C:\Documents and Settings\yourname\My Documents\TomTom\HOME\Downloads\complete\maps\
I've had the tomtom for over a year now. Just got the first fix before the year ran out.

I have found 2 folders called complete within the tomtom folder. Both are empty but there's a load more files listed in the same place.
You will need to find a floder called Programss this will have your applacation in it and then you should have one called maps and your map should be in there.

look for the applacation first .
To be honest I'm not really sure what map i should be looking for (sorry) but I've searched and can't find anything. :rolleyes:

Do you remember when you downloaded your last map update?

but before we look for a map you will need to have your unit working and as you said when you look into the TT drive with explorer it shows as empty,,,, sooooo my guess is that you will first have to have an applacation on there before you can do anything

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