Life span of a TomTom 700

Nov 18, 2015
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
GO 700
Hello all. This is a "How long is a piece of string" question.

My 700 was purchased in 2006 as a "used" unit. I've used it very regularly, more so now as I've recently moved counties & don't have any problems with it. But it occurred to me that that makes it at least 10yrs old (could be a lot older. When was the 700 first introduced to the UK market?) So any thoughts on if I should be concerned for it to suddenly give up the ghost. I don't want to change to a more "modern" unit. I'm very happy with the 700.
I've just watched a video on how to change a battery on the 700. Talk about rocket science!!!

Also I've seen a 700 on offer that hasn't even been fired up for at least 5yrs. The seller says he doesn't know if it will even boot-up as it's been idle for so long. Can't think why he hasn't tried it!

Any thoughts on these questions?

If you're happy with it and still able to update maps when desired, why fix what ain't broke?
Will typically die a very slow death on the battery. No biggie if you always have it connected until it won't hold a charge at all. Even when connected, it's a bit of a use-battery-while-it's-charging process, so a deader won't allow the unit to operate even when connected. Try a full charge, then running it on battery. See how long it goes. Keep that in mind, and retest that every few months to look for any trend.
Thanks, but I was hoping a reasonable time span might have been noticed by other users. I don't have an issue with mine at all.

The battery vid was merely an aside.
I'm impressed that these units seem to last so long. You've been bumping along the streets with a little 2.5GB hard drive in there since ~2005. 11 years would be a good number for a typical notebook PC of that era!

As dhn says, if you can take the pain of the price of any map updates that you find necessary due to changes where you drive, no reason to mess with it. However, I'm sure that if you haven't already become familiar with 'zoned' maps, you soon will be with only 2.5GB of storage to work with. The maps keep growing with more and more detail over time.
I did a map update via TomTom Home app 2 yrs ago, but after the upload all the mapping had been wiped! Nothing I tried would retrieve the maps & so I rang TT C/S. Who talked me through the process again, explaining that the "glitch" had been with the upload data from TT.
IMHO I think the satnav is the finest invention after the wheel. ;)
Just a follow up. Any thoughts on the TomTom 700 that has been unused for at least 5yrs. See OP.
I'd already thought of that, but he's listed it as spares or repair & unit only, no accessories.
Hmmm... no telling what kind of shape it's in, then. Replacement hard drives are made of unobtainium. Not sure if the thing could format anything larger than 4GB.

If he's not even willing to throw a charge at it to perhaps improve the sale price, that's probably not a good sign.
"If he's not even willing to throw a charge at it to perhaps improve the sale price, that's probably not a good sign."

Without the charger he doesn't have the option. But I agree, not a good sign, I reckon he'll be stuck with it.

I do like the phrase "unobtainium"
I do like the phrase "unobtainium"
Until recently that used to team up with the elusive "put on tool".

Since the advent of 'Additive Machining'*, that category does not exist any longer.

* Basically an Ink Jet printer adaption.
A little sturdier and instead of ink, liquedfied droplets of metal is being applied.
Ah, got it. Didn't realize that sans accessories meant no charger, either. However, all it takes is a USB mini-B cable plugged into pretty much any USB port or wall wart. Nothing unique about a 700 charger. Takes a little longer off a computer port, but ...
Ref my mention of an update that went awry in my earlier post on this thread. Ironically I've just received an email from TomTom saying "An important update is available" I am very reluctant to download it, not wanting to go through the rigmarole that I experienced last time.

Also TT C/S informed me some time ago, that my GO 700 no longer qualified for repair/advice, so I think I'll pass on this update, even though I'm set to go as TT Home is on my laptop.
The 'important update' isn't likely for your 700! More likely an update to Home.
So if it's possibly for a Home update, will I get the option, if I click download, for a choice of a full update & or, just Home.
Very sceptic.
You'll know as you begin, so you'll have your choices. Odd that it came by email. Let us know what it turned out to be, regardless of whether you accept the update.
I've decided to leave well alone, as my 700 no longer qualifies for C/S support if the same thing happens as happened last time, ie all maps deleted. Okay, it's an old unit, but I don't have any faults with it, except I would have preferred to have brought it up to date.
I had my 950 live for many many years. I think the battery began to die a little as it wouldn't hold a charge for very long but it still worked. I used to have a 700 too with the HDD inside it. I sold it to my old boss and he still uses it daily.

Also try searching for 'microdrive' and see what you get as that's what was used in the old 700.
I've decided to leave well alone, as my 700 no longer qualifies for C/S support if the same thing happens as happened last time, ie all maps deleted. Okay, it's an old unit, but I don't have any faults with it, except I would have preferred to have brought it up to date.
Somewhere up above, I'm sure there's an "If it ain't broke..." comment.
Only suggestion would be to be sure you've backed up the content of your 700 to your PC at some point. Here's how we recommend doing it >>

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