Latest map version for ONE 3rd edition?

Dec 27, 2008
TomTom Model(s)
TomTom ONE 3rd Edition/USA and Canada
Got a TomTom ONE 3rd edition for Christmas and I love it :)

Are there no 8.xx maps for my unit yet?

I am currently at App version 8.016 and Map version 725.1905.

Latest map guarantee tells me that map version 815.2022 is available but not installable on my unit.Even their website says an 8.xx version is supposed to be my latest(cannot remember the specific version at the moment...)

I am just wondering if I am suffering from the latest map guarantee problems a lot of folks are having or if everything is OK as I have read that 8.xx maps aren't out for all TomToms yet.

Sorry if this has been asked before but I have been searching the forums for a couple of days and haven't found anything specific to my situation.

the one has a small amount of memory. Usually you have to transfer your old map to your computer and remove it from the tomtom before installing the new map.

I'm surprised you LMG finds the 8.xx map. It rarely works for people.
the one has a small amount of memory. Usually you have to transfer your old map to your computer and remove it from the tomtom before installing the new map.

Hrmmmm....I recall one post I found during my search said because of the 3rd edition's limited memory the update would simply overwrite your old map.Is this bad information?

I was thinking about trying to delete my present map see what happens.
Well I deleted my map folder from my one and tried the latest map guarantee again with the same results.

It says version 8.15 available but is not usable by my device.

Looks like I'll have to give TomTom a call on Saturday and see what the deal is.
Hi there,

I got the One 3rd Edition from my girlfriend for Christmas, and I experienced the exact same problem you're describing. I spent an hour or two on the phone with TomTom support, with no remedy. I also tried as you did, to delete the maps, and that didn't help. In all the Google searching I did to try and find the source of the problem, I concluded that the device was not supposed to take v8.016 of the TomTom Application. That version of the app was only for one specific model of TomTom.

My advice: Return your One 3rd Edition for another or go to the 130 or 330. I picked up a 130S in Exchange, but now I'm looking at switching to a 330S as I'd like custom POI and Itinerary Planning. My 130S upgraded to TomTom Application 8.010 when I plugged it in, and then took the 815.xxxx maps no problem. It fills up the unit though so you'll need to remove some POI's first (another reason I'm now looking at the 330s - 2GB I think?)

Hope this helps. Don't waste your time with TomTom phone support - they were useless. Forums and Google are far better resource.
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Hi there,

I got the One 3rd Edition from my girlfriend for Christmas, and I experienced the exact same problem you're describing. I spent an hour or two on the phone with TomTom support, with no remedy. I also tried as you did, to delete the maps, and that didn't help. In all the Google searching I did to try and find the source of the problem, I concluded that the device was not supposed to take v8.016 of the TomTom Application. That version of the app was only for one specific model of TomTom.

My advice: Return your One 3rd Edition for another or go to the 130 or 330. I picked up a 130S in Exchange, but now I'm looking at switching to a 330S as I'd like custom POI and Itinerary Planning. My 130S upgraded to TomTom Application 8.010 when I plugged it in, and then took the 815.xxxx maps no problem. It fills up the unit though so you'll need to remove some POI's first (another reason I'm now looking at the 330s - 2GB I think?)

Hope this helps. Don't waste your time with TomTom phone support - they were useless. Forums and Google are far better resource.

Hmmmm....that sucks but you did give me an idea.

I am backing up as I type this and and I am going to try the method described here*&p_li=&p_topview=1 by TomTom to restore my unit and see if I can avoid installing the update to 8.016.

Maybe if It will let me avoid the 8.016 update I can get my the latest map and then carry on from there.
So much for that idea....wouldn't even restore it to a usable state...had to restore from backup.

More Googling and I found this:**&p_li=&p_topview=1

It seems 8.016 indeed is not meant for the One 3rd edition (it's meant for the GO 630...)however in my travels I read in a few places that the 8.010 had issues and was pulled at one point.Wouldn't the GO 630,being a newer device,support the use of the newer maps etc....?

Perhaps TomTom substituted 8.016 as a fix?

I dunno....I'll hang tight for a while because my One does what it is supposed to do.Perhaps if there is no fix by the time my latest map guarantee is about to expire I'll consider returning/upgrading my One.
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Hmmmm....that sucks but you did give me an idea.

I am backing up as I type this and and I am going to try the method described here*&p_li=&p_topview=1 by TomTom to restore my unit and see if I can avoid installing the update to 8.016.

Maybe if It will let me avoid the 8.016 update I can get my the latest map and then carry on from there.


Using TomTom HOME version 2 failed miserably...It would not even show a firmware candidate for installation so I uninstalled it and deleted all of HOME's folders.

I then installed the old version of TomTom Home(version 1.5xx or something....)
and it actually installed navcore !!!

Not expecting any miracles I ejected my TomTom and reset it.Sure enough I got the flashing X of death so I reconnected and Launched HOME again and it found more updates!It updated to Navcore 7.9xx.Disconnected and reset again and still the red X.

At this point I I was just about to just restore my backup but I thought "lets go back to HOME version 2" and see what happens.Well not found a GPSquickfix update which I installed but nothing Navcore.

Now here is where it gets interesting even though I have the red X of death I can still operate my unit from within HOME !?!???

When I launched it it ran my through the setup process(setting languages,time etc...) and It actually functions.I can plan routes,change preferences,Itineraries....everything!!!

If it works this way why does it not work on its own?

Maybe someone could shed a little light.
I have tried the pin reset numerous times with no effect.

I am going to try one more thing before I give up.During the process I left my map folder on the unit so I'm going to remove it and run through the process again.

I suspect even if it does work I will be stuck without maps as reusing the ones I have will not work anyway but I am very curious to see if it leads anywhere.
Yikes.... I was gonna DL/install this map update, but with the problems you're having, I may just pass.

It's actually going to let you install an 8.15 map?That's my won't let me.

If so what specs do you have...App/Map version?
Customer (dis)Service

Bought a TomTom ONE XL for the wife for Christmas. It came with 7 series maps and O/S. Installed the latest HOME, then updated the O/S to 8.010 with no problem. Although the beast came wit a "key" for the 30 day map guarantee, I understand that it this is no longer used.

Went to the "new" method using Tools\Use Latest Map Guarantee only to get an error saying that the map guarantee had expired:mad:

Called Customer service, sat on hold for 30 minutes when finally some mindless guy answered. After the "niceties" were over I explained the situation and his first question was "what type of Internet connection did I have" I told him broadband with a WiFi connection to the router. With great glee he told me (as if I were a complete idiot) that was my problem, new maps can't be downloaded via WiFi. After picking myself up off the floor I asked to to explain why; seems that the TomTom has a clever little device in it that prevents the download of maps over WiFi :confused:

I explained that the error message was that the map guarantee had expired. Gain I was told this was because of the WiFi link. We had a few choice words which I won't repeat here, then he changed tack and said that I'd have to Fax in proof of purchase (seems he had run out of WiFi excuses). I politely explained that I had purchased the GPS less than 2 weeks ago, there was no way the 30 days were up and that I wanted the update. Back we went to the WiFi saga again, at which point all politeness went out of the window, and I demanded to speak to a supervisor. I was told it would be pointless to speak to the supervisor as I only had a WiFi connection

A few more non politically correct words later a supervisor was summoned, she was as pleasant as could be, put the new map on the HOME download page in less than 30 seconds and apologised for the "misunderstanding", finally after 30 minutes on hold, 25 minutes speaking to some mindless anti WiFi &^*$*( and 30 seconds with a competent and pleasant supervisor I was on my way. I downloaded the map using my WiFi with no issues, and all is well. Where do they find some of these guys??

Back to the original thread (sorry for the rant),

The application is: 8.010
Map is: 8.15.2022

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Just for future reference.....

While the first customer service rep was wrong in saying you could not dl a map via wifi, the fact is that large downloads from TT by that method do sometimes fail during the dl process.
Well another failure...

I did however manage to get past the flashing X of death this time.Got it to boot to the splash screen but it would freeze after that and required a pin reset to shut down.

Oh well back to the backup.

I am sooooo not looking forward to dealing with TomTom Customer service.

If they are as messed up as the info on their website is I am in for a long day tomorrow.

So before I call can someone confirm my info for me....

1 : From what I gather from their site my firmware version should be 8.010 (I have 8.016 installed which their site says is for a specific GO model ONLY)

2 : Again from their site my map version should be 8.15xxxx (I have 7.25xxx installed and cannot get the 8.15 map using the guarantee...)

If someone could confirm the accuracy of this info I would greatly appreciate it ;)
Just for future reference.....

While the first customer service rep was wrong in saying you could not dl a map via wifi, the fact is that large downloads from TT by that method do sometimes fail during the dl process.

While I agree that downloads can fail over WiFi, they can also fail over a wired link. I have downloaded many Gb over my WiFi link with no failure, however my main gripe was being told that the TomTom could detect if a download was over WiFi and refuse the download.
Well another failure...

I did however manage to get past the flashing X of death this time.Got it to boot to the splash screen but it would freeze after that and required a pin reset to shut down.

Oh well back to the backup.

I am sooooo not looking forward to dealing with TomTom Customer service.

If they are as messed up as the info on their website is I am in for a long day tomorrow.

So before I call can someone confirm my info for me....

1 : From what I gather from their site my firmware version should be 8.010 (I have 8.016 installed which their site says is for a specific GO model ONLY)

2 : Again from their site my map version should be 8.15xxxx (I have 7.25xxx installed and cannot get the 8.15 map using the guarantee...)

If someone could confirm the accuracy of this info I would greatly appreciate it ;)

Just to confirm:
Latest Application 8.010
Latest US Map 8.15.2022

both updated from 7.xxxx software/Map

Good luck with customer service, some are good but there are some real idiots out there too. If you feel you are getting nowhere early on in the call STRONGLY, but politely insist you speak to the supervisor.
Special Update*****


Just got off the phone with TomTom support....they were actually quite helpful :eek:

It seems there is a bigger problem here than at first glance.They tried two different maps and neither would install.

Apparently I have a very special TomTom One 3rd edition.Upon taking down my information they noticed something very unusual.The serial number of my unit is Y7********* however all TomTom ONE 3rd's are supposed to start with either Y1****** or Y2******

The support guy said this is only the third time they have encountered this so far and they would be referring to one of their "technicians"(who has the weekend off....:( ) and they would have him contact me directly by phone on Monday.

Very strange situation....hopefully there is a fix.
TT Home tells me I have the latest maps and OS
App 8.014(9372/080613)
Map: 'United_States' v725.1905
The maps are at least 6 months behind in many areas here. Has anyone a fix to get 8 series maps onto the ONE 125?
Bought a TT One 3rd for christmas and as some others have mentioned i am given the chance to upgrae maps but then it tells me "This map is not for your device"
Heres the info from the TT
DLL Version:
MapShare DLL Version:

I have spent hours on the phone with customer service and after talking to a manager of some sort minutes ago this is what i was told...

Customer service is currently uploading the wrong map to TT One 3rd users as somehow whoever does the file sorting over there thought the One3rd had TTS and put up a map with TTS to be uploaded to TT one 3rd users. After the manager tried to upload 4 different maps to my account after about 15 minutes of me telling him "one 3rd does not have tts", none of them worked and he said he'd need to escalate the problem to higher management as they had made a mistake when providing the maps and hadn't included a non TTS map for the one3rd. I was told to call back again in 48 hours if problem hadn't been fixed and got a reference #.

Now this may have been bogus BS but thats what i was told.

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