Itinerary Planning - any chance of Resurrection

Dec 3, 2010
Hi All

Have been waiting for this feature to reappear for some time but it is a while since i have enquired or tracked progress. I presume this feature hasn't been returned to any of the new models?

The old feature was great and we used it with many clients. I have a considerable number of clients waiting to see if we can provide the service we once did and having tried ( and been utterly hacked off with the service received from) TomTom Business I thought it was worth checking back in here to see if it has returned or if there is any update on when the feature is likely to be available again. To clarify I am referring to the old 48 waypoint planning tool

The new Nav4 devices announced in Amsterdam last week will be bringing back true Itinerary Planning as I understand it. Just when they'll be in the production chains in Europe and North America is not clear but reasonably soon, I expect.

The current Nav 3 devices will NOT have an application update to bring back true IP, sadly.
1) It's a new generation of code completely re-written from the bottom up.

2) Nope, the same MyTomTom as the Nav 3 devices.

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