Interesting --- QuickFix may not matter soon...

GPS Could Fail By 2010. What am I paying for!

"The Global Positioning System faces the possibility of failures and blackouts, a federal watchdog agency has warned the U.S. Congress. Mismanagement by and underinvestment by the U.S. Air Force places the GPS at risk of failure in 2010 and beyond. The problem: Delays in launching replacement satellites, among other things.

According to the Government Accountability Office report, "In recent years, the Air Force has struggled to successfully build GPS satellites within cost and schedule goals" as part of a $2 billion modernization program.

"If the Air Force does not meet its schedule goals for development of GPS IIIA satellites, there will be an increased likelihood that in 2010, as old satellites begin to fail, the overall GPS constellation will fall below the number of satellites required to provide the level of GPS service that the U.S. government commits to."

My question is, where does all the money us GPS users whether that's TomTom, Garmin or any other, go? If in 8 months time my TomTom stops working and starts giving me wrong directions, I want every penny i have ever given to them back. You invest in something that will grow and get better, not something that will stop working once we hit a new decade. It seems pointed towards the Government to fix it but surly GPS manufactures must carry some of the cost, service and upkeep. What's going on people? The world is crashing around us and I don't know which way to turn!
My question is, where does all the money us GPS users whether that's TomTom, Garmin or any other, go?
Maps, technology, POIs, servers to dish out the free mapshare updates to millions of people, stuff like that, I'd imagine..

If in 8 months time my TomTom stops working and starts giving me wrong directions, I want every penny i have ever given to them back.
I don't think it would give you wrong directions, I think it would just sit there trying to acquire your location..

It seems pointed towards the Government to fix it but surly GPS manufactures must carry some of the cost, service and upkeep. What's going on people?
I really don't think TomTom or any of the other GPS makers pay a single penny for any of the satellites.

I'm not worried AT ALL.. If the US doesn't put public GPS satellites into space, then some other country (Russia, China, or Japan) will.

Please keep in mind, that the Mars Rover lifespan was only 6 months, yet it kept on going for years.. I think the only thing that is happening is that the "lifespan" of these GPS satellites are coming up for expiration and theoretically should be replaced, but they may function well up there for many more years and replacing it early, is just the government wasting more money..
GPS system 'close to breakdown' | Technology |


Given the strategic importance of GPS for military uses, I find the thrust of this article hard to believe --- I smell more politics than facts here, but, none-the-less, an interesting read.
It provides the justification for the EU pay a bazillion euros to launch their own system in parallel. The existing redundancy that is built into our existing system is big league stuff. What you're seeing is an attempt to bring a competing system into standard use. The only important paragraph of the article is this:

"The failings of GPS could also play into the hands of other countries – including opening the door to Galileo, the European-funded attempt to rival America's satellite navigation system, which is scheduled to start rolling out later next year."

Means, motive and opportunity.
It provides the justification for the EU pay a bazillion euros to launch their own system in parallel. The existing redundancy that is built into our existing system is big league stuff. What you're seeing is an attempt to bring a competing system into standard use. The only important paragraph of the article is this:

"The failings of GPS could also play into the hands of other countries ? including opening the door to Galileo, the European-funded attempt to rival America's satellite navigation system, which is scheduled to start rolling out later next year."

Means, motive and opportunity.


plus, in europe, all they do is raise taxes to 75% and, voila, it's paid for.
gps satalites

The armed services are way to dependant on their satalites as well a consumer satalite signals. I can't possible imagine that this would ever happen.
My question is, where does all the money us GPS users whether that's TomTom, Garmin or any other, go? If in 8 months time my TomTom stops working and starts giving me wrong directions, I want every penny i have ever given to them back. You invest in something that will grow and get better, not something that will stop working once we hit a new decade. It seems pointed towards the Government to fix it but surly GPS manufactures must carry some of the cost, service and upkeep. What's going on people? The world is crashing around us and I don't know which way to turn!

I don't think you can blame TomTom, Garmin, etal for this. They don't make, launch or maintain the satellites. Thank Uncle Sam for that one. You're not going to get a red cent back from the maker of a receiver when they have no control over the transmitter.

And, being that GPS was first put up there for the military, and in fact wasn't available at first to the general population, and since the military relies on the GPS system, don't think for a minute that there will be a problem receiving signals, unless they cut them off.
Ye Gads!!!...NOT AAA Tripkits again!! :eek:


yeah, the spiral packs with 10 maps to go 300 miles and the highlighted routes..... PRICELESS

...of course, at the time it was pretty cool.... beat the heck out of piecing together the 9 pieces of your road map that got lost in the glove box for 7 years..... LOL
Don't know if you'd considered just how bad a pun that was, but we're deducting 2 points from your score anyway!:D

Yea, I had realized it after I posted that, hehe.

I really don't think we are going to lose GPS though. I wouldn't be surprised though if they started charging customers for use of their satellites. I don't think that will happen though (but anything is possible.)

Ohh and as far as points, is there any way to add rep points with this new forum software? I really miss the old forum layout. This new site layout/software just makes this site look so generic, and very very plain. It looks like many other forums out there. With the old forum, this site looked unique, and everything fit so perfectly.

And I am FINALLY able to log in and post using IE, but I have to use the 64 bit browser, or else I can't log in or post at all. This goes for XP 32 bit as well :( Firefox used to be the only way I could log in with this new forum layout.
Last edited:
Sage, I've asked that the rep points show again but the admin is having difficulty enabling that feature with the new board software; he's looking into it, though.
And I am FINALLY able to log in and post using IE, but I have to use the 64 bit browser, or else I can't log in or post at all. This goes for XP 32 bit as well :( Firefox used to be the only way I could log in with this new forum layout.

Sage, when the forum was upgraded, the new software got confused by the old software's cookies and refused to let users log in if an old cookie was present. Try going through your cookies in the XP32 bit browser, and find/delete all tomtomforum cookies (there are a few of them). This has resolved the issue for gator and myself.
After using Vista's 64 bit browser to log-in to the forums, I am now able to login and post using Vista's 32 bit browser. I haven't booted into XP in a few days but I'll try deleting my cookies when I get there. I could have sworn I tried that though. I also have my browsers set to delete everything once I close the browser. I'm glad its working now. Thanks for the help.

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