Greetings from a newbie !!

Dec 8, 2019
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/au.png" alt="Australia" /> Australia
TomTom Model(s)
Via 1535
Hi guys I am new to the forum and looking for some info so hopefully you guys will go easy on a newbie ! LOL!
Thanks ! I'm looking for some help with my Via 1535 and something I was hoping it can do but cannot find any info regarding the things I am trying to do! I want to know if my device can record a route I am driving then save that route as a favourite? Do you know much about this Im also having trouble trying to figure out how this forum page works as far as posting stuff too
Well, there is another forum for asking questions for that model but, since you asked here, I'll answer. No, that model can't save a route as a favourite. That model is known as a Nav 3 model. Although it uses MyDriveConnect, only higher level Nav 4 or Nav 5 models can use the Route Planner to save routes to the device.

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