Go Live 1005 - how do I restore backed up favorites?

Feb 2, 2013
United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
go live 1005
Hi, first post on this forum. I've asked this question on the mytomtom forum and not gotten an answer. The online manual on mytomtom talks about backing up the favorites before doing a hard reset but neither says how to do that nor how to restore after.

I found how to do the backup, which I have done. I'm not sure they could have hidden that option in a more obscure place. My concern is that I don't see any option to do a restore, only a backup.

Is there another secret that I need to learn? I won't do the reset until I'm sure I can restore my backup. Thanks.

You will find that by using the "Add Community Content" option of MyTomTom (right click the little icon in the systray, lower right of the screen), you can restore your favorites (favorites.ov2 file) from your PC by using "Add POI". That's one of the new tricks TomTom is using these days .. your Favorites are stored and retrieved like any other Point Of Interest file.
It's actually a good thing. In the 'old' days, the favorites were buried in a particular file that would occasionally get wiped out by updating the unit, and most people had no idea where it was or how to back it up. At least TomTom lets people get right to the file with the application now. It's one of the few things I actually prefer about this new way of managing a device.

Glad you found it.
And....success. Did a hard reset, restored the favorites.ov2 file, mild panic when favorites didn't appear, did a soft reset and bam! there they were.

Thanks again.

I found how to do the backup, which I have done. I'm not sure they could have hidden that option in a more obscure place. My concern is that I don't see any option to do a restore, only a backup.


Backup what? You can't do a full backup with that model as you did with an earlier device.

So, what exactly did you do?
Backup what? You can't do a full backup with that model as you did with an earlier device.

So, what exactly did you do?

I backed up my favorites, did a hard reset on my unit which deleted my favorites on the unit, then restored my favorites from the backup.

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