Go 740 Live - Very few posts?

Jan 2, 2008
Fairfax, VA
TomTom Model(s)
I would like to see a dedicated thread to the Go Live 740 (maybe the 940 is coming?) Either way I see very few posts out their regarding the new unit. I have a 920 now and would like to upgrade but I'm not sure
this unit is selling very well and don't won't to end up with a paperweight. Any other thoughts on this?
Is the lack of posts due to lack of sales or lack of issues? Thanks!
The 740 is still relatively new in the States. Isn't in Canada. So, there are relatively few owners of such models and, hence, few posts here about the model...

Having said that, one of the SuperMods here, gatorguy, DOES have a 740 so ask away about any questions and gatorguy will be pleased to answer them! :D
I've noticed the same lack of interest in the North American 740's. A little surprising to me that none of the US forums have much activity/comments on them, which on the surface might lead one to believe they aren't selling all that well. But as DHN suggested, if you have any questions, feel free to ask away.:)
The 740 is in a very interesting spot.

As it's supposedly targeted to high-end American users, their target audience is probably researching online and realizing that a better model exists (940 in Europe) and many are holding out for it.

I've seen about 5 members posting that they own one. And I've seen about 3-4 like myself who would have bought one, except we're holding out for the possible (likely?) release of the 940 in 4Q 2009.

Not many people want to buy "second best". They'll usually buy mass market (the 140/340 line), or they want the absolute top-of-the-line. The 740 misses on both.
Is the lack of posts due to lack of sales or lack of issues? Thanks!

One more thing - Tomtom releases pretty reliable devices. It's their upgrades that cause most issues.

Tomtom hasn't released an application upgrade for the 740 in the US yet, and their map upgrade last month didn't appear to have any issues on the 740's.

Most of the issues reported are from Europe, where Tomtom did release an application upgrade, which broke things like volume and bluetooth.

So lack of issues is also another reason for fewer American posts.
MVL, what is it about the 940 (Europe) that would make you wait for it rather than the 740? EPT for the Boston tunnels is the only thing I can think of.
I'm waiting for:
- EPT (I confirmed that the the tunnel speed estimator on the 720 stops at the first underground exit).
- Proper POI map
- MP3 player (does it have FM transmission also??)
- Bluetooth remote
- A hope that it is released alongside a true HD-traffic launch (I'll still buy it if it isn't)
- more time for my existing map/traffic subscriptions to run out
- a possible release of a 950

If I buy a 740, for my $300 purchase (+$170 more in new subscriptions), all I get is:
- an upgrade from PLUS traffic to LIVE traffic
- voice commands
- loss of an MP3 player
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Wife uses the ipod + ipod fm transmitter. She'll be switching to the Nokia N97 for music once it arrives.

I use satellite radio, but since the merger Sirius/XM are getting pretty bad music-wise. I've had to resort to MP3s on an SD card in the tomtom when the XM starts stinking in the family car. Or a thumb drive in the Excelon when the Sirius starts stinking in my pre-marriage coupe.

Pandora on the 950 - please tomtom?
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IIf I buy a 740, for my $300 purchase (+$170 more in new subscriptions), all I get is:
- loss of an MP3 player
So, the 740 doesn't have the same Jukebox/FM trans that our 720's do? What about the 730 models?

I guess now is not a good time to upgrade? :(
ALL x20 and x30 devices have the JukeBox/ mp3 player option and FM Tx, from the x40 range ONLY the 940 offers mp3 player/ Jukebox and FM Tx.

Someone mentioned the Bluetooth Remote control, this works with all the x20/ x30 and x40 devices BUT with the 920 and 930 it was supplied in the box with the device. With the 940 you have to purchase the remote control as it isn't included in the box.

For those that want to use an iPOD with the x20/ x30 range you simply connect the relevent accessory cable to the built in socket on the device. With the x40 range you need to purchase the iPOD cable AND one of the accessory mounts, as the one supplied with the x40 only has a power socket that can also be used for RDS-TMC if you have the mini USB style RDS-TMC device.

As for EPT only the 920, 930 and 940 have this feature, this is hardware related and cannot be retro fitted to any other lessor models as the hardware (gyro type force sensor) simply isn't present.

I find the decision to not include the FM Tx or the mp3 player a strange decision for the 540/ 740 models as this was a big selling point for some of the other model ranges. The lack of a BT Remote in the box is a cost cutting measure that I can understand, if a user were upgrading from an earlier model and already has the remote then why do they need a second?
As for the accessory dock, this is a niggle, having to spend a further ?30 to connect the device up to the car unless you have the luxury of a compatible car Bluetooth system that offers both handsfree and A2DP protocols.

Live services are very good, but I am not too sure the 740 hits that sweet spot as a navigation device with in car entertainment capability, an x20/ x30 unit can offer greater flexibility for in car use and is devoid of subscription charges for traffic via RDS (please remember I am UK based), If the 540/ 740 had the Jukebox enabled then I think they would probably sell more, having to purchase the 940 for the basic capability you had with a 520 just doesn't make marketing sense to me, even with the Jukebox enabled the 540/ 740 is still missing the FM Tx hardware - Mike
Thanks for all the feedback. IMO the Bluetooth Remote is a necessity especially if the unit is just out of reach. I'll stick with my 920 until the 940/950 comes out where hopefully traffic will be improved along with EPT, etc.
Removing prior discussion on hacked software.

All Navcore's since 8.2 will enable all the proper features/screens on a 720 vs 740. It will auto-remove any features (eg: voice commands, MP3 player) that were not sold for a given model.

When you force Tomtom-supplied newer Navcores (even newer than ones that are supported by a specific model, like Navcore 8.4), it will auto-downgrade to the appropriate screens/features, but will introduce occasional incompatibility bugs.

Discussion on hacks to bypass this auto-feature-selection are inappropriate for a "legitimate" forum such as this.
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