Here is what is happening to you.
Let's say you POI destination was Wal-Mart.
Wal-Mart is large and has multiple entrances and exits.
The POI for Wal-Mart you are driving to is set up either by TomTom or a 3rd Party
(I think most POI's are created by a geocoded address from a Google, Yahoo, etc., API call)
Your TomTom does not think you have arrived at your destination as you do not drove by the coordinates of the POI.
In other words the POI is set up for another entrance or is in the wrong location and not near Wal-Mart or accessible.
You could do a POI map-share correction if you keep using the same entrance and wasn't this to stop.
Problem with this however is you have to keep doing it with each new Map as TomTom wipes your user corrections unless they deemed the correction was important enough to include it with the new map.
(In other words you may have to correct it for each map release - stupid TomTom
Speaking of such corrections I wonder if TomTom would treat these edits as a poll and users would vote for their most popular entrance for the official POI coordinates.
Who knows on one map entrance A could be most popular and on another map entrance B.
Would these be called a wondering POI as it could potentially keep moving around with each map release.